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The World Before This One: A Novel told in Legend
Author:   Martin, Rafe / Calvin Nicholls
Category: Fiction - Social  Tales 

ISBN: 9780590379809  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 208 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 5.99
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
Crow is a Seneca boy, coming of age in a time of war, in a time before stories. Cast out of the tribe, Crow finds the Storytelling Stone which shares tales of the Long Ago Time.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
From School Library Journal Grade 4 Up-Written in the style of a novel, this collection of 14 Seneca tales is presented through the retelling of one central story into which all of the others are artfully woven. Each story has been carefully selected for its pertinence to the main tale, which describes how stories from the "Long-Ago Time" were passed on to the Seneca people. After his father's failure to return from a winter hunting trip and his mother and sister die from fever, Crow moves with his grandmother to an old lodge at the edge of the forest to escape from the villagers who consider them to be unlucky. Out hunting for birds one day, Crow comes upon a large Stone that speaks to him, exchanging, for small gifts, stories of the formation of constellations, the creation of the Earth and its people, and the importance of showing kindness and respect to others. The stories show that life's experiences include both pain and happiness; they teach the importance of patience and of learning from others. In the end, the people of the village learn from Grandfather Stone how to listen to stories and how to respond to the teller. Young Crow is acknowledged as the world's first storyteller and becomes a respected member of the community. Martin offers sources for the tales along with an introductory note by Seneca Elder Peter Jemison. Each chapter includes a painstakingly detailed white paper sculpture of a character (often an animal) from one of the stories. Susan Scheps, Shaker Heights Public Library, OH Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Booklist Gr. 5-8. Working with a council of Seneca elders, storyteller Martin created a collection of folktales that reads like a novel. After being shunned by their community, young Gaqka (Crow) and his grandmother retreat to the woods, where Gaqka learns to hunt and where he encounters an enchanted storytelling stone that tells about "the world before this one." Gaqka's hunting suffers when he begins to visit the stone daily, and his worried grandmother sends spies who, like her grandson, also fall under the stone's spell. Eventually, the whole village recognizes the power of stories, and Gaqka, as storyteller, returns as an esteemed member of his community. In the stone's voice, Martin retells the ancient tales in language that is both spare and exciting, deftly folding them into the novel's compelling framing story that is based on a Seneca legend. Nichols' expertly cut paper sculptures, elegant and minimal, don't overpower the stories. Peter Jemison, a Seneca elder, introduces the book, and an extensive author's note offers more cultural background and source information. A highly readable, intriguing novel about northern Native American traditions, for both curricular support and pleasure reading. Gillian Engberg Copyright ? American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
"The World before This One" was a motivating book for me. I wouldn't recommend this book for younger people, because the vocabulary and names are very challenging, even for me. It was also hard for me to follow what was going on in the book, so if you have a short attention span, this book isn't for you. This book is a good book for scholars in the literary area. It is a very good legend, but if you aren't interested in a novel told in legend, I would definitely not recommend this book. The main characters in this book are a young man named Crow, and his grandmother. The setting is at a lodge, and in the forest. The climax is when grandmother asks Raccoon, Crow's old friend, to spy on him and see why he doesn't bring home hardly any books from hunting a full day in the forest. The plot is how grandfather stone tells Crow the legends of the world before this one, and it is up to him to see if his fellow villagers are ready to hear the legends.

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