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The Storytelling Princess  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Martin, Rafe / Root, Kimberly Bulcken
Category: Fiction - Action  People 

ISBN: 9780142500859  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
A spirited princess rebels against an arranged marriage to a prince across the sea in this satisfying tale. "I will never, never, never marry any prince but the prince I choose for myself," she says. "I'd rather be washed overboard in a storm at sea" and when her parents accompany her on a ship to wed, that's just what happens: She's cast ashore in a strange kingdom. Dressed in the sailor clothes she finds in a trunk, she learns that a prize is being offered to the storyteller who can tell the prince a story whose ending he has never heard. The disguised princess uses the tale of her ocean adventure to capture the prize, reveal her identity and win his heart (of course, it turns out that he was her intended all along). Martin's (The Rough-Face Girl) story-within-a-story device works like an old campfire tale, and even though readers may guess the ending, they'll want to see how the royals get there. Root's (When the Whippoorwill Calls) finely worked, lapis-and-gold watercolors recall illuminated manuscripts, commenting on the literate protagonists as well as their Old World setting. Readers will likely cotton to this princess, who stands up to authority and tells great stories to boot and no mention is made anywhere of her beauty. Ages 5-up.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Once upon a time, a King told his son that the time had come for him to marry and he had arranged for the Prince to marry a Princess from a far off kingdom across the sea. The Prince, not happy with his fate and lack of choice declared, "I will only marry the Princess I pick for myself." But the King was insistent and the Prince finally agreed to a contest. He would marry the Princess if his father could find anyone in the kingdom who could tell him a story with an ending he didn't know. At the same time, a Princess, in a far off kingdom is boarding a ship with her parents to cross the sea for an arranged marriage to a Prince. She too, is not happy. "I'd rather be washed overboard in a storm at sea." And as fate would have it, that's exactly what happens. After many days in the water, she finally washes ashore in a strange land and finds a dry sailor's suit to wear. Disguised and needing money, she enters a contest to tell a young Prince a story, a new and special story, with an ending he's never heard before..... Rafe Martin has written a charming and imaginative old fashioned fairy tale, complete with happily ever after ending that's perfect for youngsters 4-8. His evocative text is beautifully depicted in Kimberly Bulcken Root's detailed and expressive artwork, done in soft tones of blues and golds. Though the ending is predictable, the enjoyment is in the getting there and this is a satisfying story children will want to read again and again.

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