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Author:   Martin, Rafe
Category: Fiction - General 

ISBN: 9780439211680  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 359 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 7.99
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
A boy marked by physical difference--one arm is an enchanted wing--finds his strength and purpose in this stirring fantasy. A Washington Post Best Kids Book of 2005 and Book Sense Winter Pick.

Once upon a time, a girl rescued her seven brothers from a spell that had turned them into swans. But one boy, Ardwin, was left with the scar of the spell's last gasp: one arm remained a wing. And while Ardwin yearned to find a place in his father's kingdom, the wing whispered to him of open sky and rushing wind. Marked by difference, Ardwin sets out to discover who he is: bird or boy, crippled or sound, cursed or blessed. But followed by the cold eye of a sorceress and with war rumbling at his kingdom's borders, Ardwin's path may lead him not to enlightenment, but into unimaginable danger.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 6-10–This fantasy continues the Grimms' tale of The Six Swans, in which six brothers are turned into swans. Through the great sacrifice of their sister, the spell is broken, but the youngest is left with a swan's wing. Ardwin is torn between his life as a prince and his yearning to take to the skies and rejoin his avian companions. Believing his father will force him to replace his wing with a mechanical arm and marry a rival king's daughter, he flees. His friends Stephen and Skye (on whom he has a secret crush) accompany him. Feeling betrayed after finding them together as a couple, Ardwin goes his own way, hoping that by switching horses with Stephen, he'll elude his father's pursuers. His adventures have only begun as he seeks out the swans he once knew, is attacked by a lion, and rescued by the same wizard who designed the mechanical arm. He also meets the wizard's automatons, his enchantress stepmother, an unusual horse, and a goose girl who is not who she thinks she is. In true fairy-tale fashion, all's well in the end and Ardwin wisely realizes that his wing is a blessing, not a curse. Like all fairy tales, there are lots of plot twists and turns and perhaps that contributes to the sometimes meandering narrative. Overall, this is a well-realized, but unexceptional story.–Sharon Rawlins, NJ Library for the Blind and Handicapped, Trenton

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Birdwing is an interesting story. It is based on the Brothers Grimm story The Six Swans. Six brothers are turned into swans. Their sister remains silent for six years to save them. When she does, the youngest brother's left arm remains a wing. That's where the Grimm story ends and Birdwing begins. This is a story of adventure, self-realization and kindness. It moves at a steady pace with just the right amount of description. I enjoyed the fantastical elements such as the mechanical golden arm and the presence of talking animals. It really sent home the idea that this was a story about the human spirit, about imagination and freedom to be unique. The character of Ardwin is completely endearing. We've all felt out of place once in awhile. Imagine always being the odd one out, the boy with a wing. He more than makes up for his differences with strength, courage and kindness. Many other characters endear themselves as well - the old wizard Belarius, Prince Alene and Horse to name a few. The settings are beautifully described. In each place that we find Ardwin, the author makes us feel as if we are there. When Ardwin and his horse face rough snowy climes, we are there with them. When the sun rises on a spring day, you could almost feel the warmth. With an economy of words, Rafe Martin has created a real modern classic. Ardwin leaves home when he feels that there is a threat to his wing. He endures many trials which nearly kill him. He meets up with the 'witch' who 'cursed' him in the beginning. Along the way and in the end, he learns much about himself and human nature. At Amazon.com, this book is recommended for grades 6-10. I think this is an appropriate age group but probably not for anyone younger. For those who like books that include adventure, some elements of fantasy, romance and a story about the triumph of the human spirit - this book is for you. If you are hoping for complete fantasy, dragons, wizards, elves and what-not, mythological characters, etc - you may want to pass on this.

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