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Ten Little Puppies  有内页照片
Author:   Harris, Marian
Series: Award  Interactive 
Category: Fiction - Animals 

ISBN: 9780740784811  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 26 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.99
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Series / 所属系列:

Overview / 简介:
硬皮精装本的名书,原价 $15.99, 3.5折!小安妮将录这本书的部分音频。

拿到这本书,同同时团购的另一本 Ten Little Kittens 一样,两个大大的凸出的能够转动的眼睛,以及每页上都有的两个大洞。同样是 Ten Little 系列书中的一本,该系列中的第一本,Ten Little Dinosaurs(也是一样的两只大眼睛!) 屡获大奖(the Colorado Book Award, the Colorado Children's Choice Book Award, and Dr. Toys' 100 Best Children's Products),单本销量超过200万册!

大16开本,从10只小狗开始倒数,内容的韵律节奏与风格均类似 Ten little Monkeys Jumping on the bed. 同样的风格,也同样是训练韵律节奏的好材料!最后一页,则是歌中唱的10只不同种类的小狗的图片、名字,以及简介。真的是不同的人有不同的收获,每读一次的收获也不同!<


这次团购的,还有作者的另外一本 Ten Little Kittens,同样的风格同样的价格。

Ten Little Puppies is written in the same lyrical style as the popular "Ten in the Bed" childhood nursery rhyme; however, the sing-song narrative and full-color illustrations inside this title are even more engaging and entertaining. From sausage-like Dachshunds and polka-dotted Dalmatians to sledding Huskies and pink bow-adorned Yorkies, readers are likely to find their own family's dog breed presented within the canine countdown. Two wiggling eyeballs show through die cut holes on pages featuring each puppy.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Set to the rhythm of "10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed", this is a story-less book with each two-page layout featuring a different dog breed. Most of the rhymes are rather nonsensical, or don't really have anything to do with the breed. Yorkie getting lost in a cave ("no more pink bows crawling through a cave"), for instance, or the poodle falling off a cliff ("no more pom-poms on a cliff face"), with none of them being particularly appropriate to breed, with the exception of the Dalmatian being drawn on a fire truck. The illustrations are very colorful, and are relatively attractive. The rolling googly eyes are not so much, though, as they only roll up toward the ceiling unless the book is laid on a flat surface and are actually a little creepy. Also, because each page has big holes cut out for the googly eyes, there are unexplained holes in each right hand page, that are not incorporated into the illustrations. The later pages of the book are either not cut well enough or maybe the binding is too tight, because when the books is opened to be read, the eyes don't fit properly in the holes. Overall, this is just an okay book. The novelty of the googly eyes and the cute illustrations, and even the rhymes, might appeal for one or two readings, but I certainly do not see it being a book a child (or parent) would return to for multiple readings.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Marian and Jim Harris have worked on several books together. Jim is an award-winning illustrator. They live in New Zealand.

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