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Gooseberry Park
Author:   Rylant, Cynthia
Category: Fiction - Pet  Social  Fantasy 

ISBN: 9780590947152  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 144 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Overview / 简介:
The touching story of an unusual friendship, from one of today's most masterful children's book writers. Now repackaged with an updated look and feel.

You could call it unusual. Strange in fact. Most dogs chase squirrels. But not Kona. He's friends with a squirrel. A squirrel named Stumpy. Kona thinks Stumpy's the best thing since chocolate doggie treats.

So when a dangerous ice storm hits Gooseberry Park, all Kona can think about is Stumpy -- and her newborn babies. Can they survive in the freezing cold? Kona wants to help. But the journey to Gooseberry Park is icy and treacherous. It will be a difficult, risky trip. But sometimes, a dog will risk it all -- for a best friend.
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From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 3-5?Kona, an earnest Labrador retriever; Gwendolyn, a wise hermit crab who has been reincarnated 17 times; Murray, a loopy, Chinese leftover-eating bat; and Stumpy, a squirrel, come together during a terrible ice storm in Gooseberry Park to save Stumpy's three babies. Rylant's spare prose results in a trim tale. She does a beautiful job of creating the players, deftly drawing personalities. Murray, in particular, with his occasional snide remarks, is charming. From the humor, especially the wordplay and sarcasm, the book appears to be intended for the older elementary-school crowd, though the annoyingly smug tone of the omniscient narrator, particularly in the first chapter, might put them off. The plot holds together well, even though the oblivion of Kona's absent-minded master, Professor Albert, stretches it a trifle thin. If readers can get past the first few chapters, they will find a story they will want to finish. Howard's appealing black-and-white cartoons appear throughout.?Patricia A. Dollisch, DeKalb County Public Library, Decatur, GA Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I used this in my 3rd grade class as a teacher read-aloud and the students loved it. It had characters that all students could relate to --whether it was the sense of humor and crazy antics of Murray,the bat,the heroic deeds of Kona,the labrador retreiver,the straight talk from Gwendolyn,the hermit crab or the motherly sweetness of Stumpy,the squirrel--all children of various learning abilities could enjoy the story. When Stumpy lost her children in an ice storm that toppled her tree, the children were interested in how she would get back to them. When Murray was caring for the babies in the basement, the students would laugh at the bat's appetite for junk food and television. They were delighted and so was I. A real pleasure to read.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Cynthia Rylant is the author of numerous distinguished novels and picture books for young readers. In addition to her beginning-reader series: Henry and Mudge, Poppleton, and Mr. Putter and Tabby, as well as her Cobble Street Cousins early-chapter series, she is also the author of the Newbery Medal-winning Missing May, the Newbery Honor Book A Fine White Dust, and two Caldecott Honor-winning picture books.

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