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Henry And Mudge In The Green Time  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Rylant, Cynthia / Sucie Stevenson
Series: Henry And Mudge 
Category: Level Reading-3  Fiction - Pet  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780689810015  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 48 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Henry And Mudge

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
In this third book of the series (Henry and Mudge and Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble), Rylant's portrayal of the small Henry and his affectionate large dog is even better than before. When Henry and Mudge go on a picnic and Henry is stung by a bee, Mudge licks away his salty tears. When Henry gives Mudge a bath, he ends up having to dry both of them with a towel. And when Henry and Mudge play King of the Mountain, they pretend that Mudge is a dragon, and together chase away all pretenders to the throne. Late on summer days, when purple shadows mime their play, Henry and Mudge curl up under their magic tree and sleep "together, on the green hill in their green time." Stevenson's pen-and-ink and watercolors sensitively embellish deftly-told stories about loyalty, love and innocence. Ages 6-8.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Henry and Mudge books are some of the best books available to beginning readers, and parents would be hard-pressed not to enjoy them as well. While a few of the books in the series show Henry's idyllically happy parents in a way that might make children from less traditional families sad or "homesick" for that situation, this particular book is purely about a little boy, his big dog, their imaginations, and being a kid in the summer. Cynthia Rylant's writing is fun yet poetic, and Sucie Stevenson's illustrations are charming as always.

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