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Dinosaurs  有书评
Author:   Osborne, Will   Osborne, Mary Pope / Sal Murdocca
Series: Magic Tree House 
Category: Nonfiction - Animals  Nature  Dinosaur 

ISBN: 9780375802966  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 120 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Magic Tree House :  鼎鼎有名的神奇树屋探险系列 Chapter Book,适合美国二年级的孩子,小安妮最喜欢的系列之一。

Overview / 简介:
Who invented the word dinosaur? What was the name of the biggest dinosaur? This book includes everything you ever wanted to know about the real-life world of dinosaurs.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2-4-The authors begin with an explanation of how they did their research, assuming the personas of Jack and Annie, two children who traveled back in time before returning home to do more conventional research. A discussion of the kinds of dinosaurs, misconceptions about them, and a description of other creatures that lived at the same time are included, as is an explanation of the role of fossil hunters. Another chapter offers theories about what happened to these intriguing creatures. Jack and Annie offer brief definitions and comments in sidebars; otherwise, the text reads like straightforward nonfiction. The Osbornes conclude with a listing of books, museums, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet sites, and museum visits for further information. Frequent black-and-white cartoons, labeled illustrations, and photo reproductions are instructional and appealing. While this book is a great place to begin research for a report, it will also be enjoyed by those interested in the subject.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Thank you Will and Mary Pope Osborne. My 8-year old daughter has always been a fan of the Magic Tree House books and we have always appreciated the educational value of the books. It always was apparent that you had researched the background and facts about the various situations Jack and Annie found themselves in. Sharing the research with your ardent and eager readers is a gift. My daughter devoured the Dinosaurs Research Guide with enjoyment and enthusiasm. She is moved to share her new knowledge with us all. Reading the book has inspired her to continue researching on her own. And, she also says she is looking forward to reading more Research Guides. I highly reccommend this book and any that encourages children to seek and learn on their own.

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