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Magic Tree House Research Guide #3: Mummies and Pyramids  有 mp3
Author:   Osborne, Mary Pope   Osborne, Will / Sal Murdocca
Series: Magic Tree House Research Guide 
Category: Nonfiction - Nature  People 

ISBN: 9780375802980  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 128 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Magic Tree House Research Guide :  神奇树屋 Magic Tree House 伴随的Nonfiction Research Guide, 难度略有提高。

Overview / 简介:
How were pyramids built? Why did people make mummies? What magic charms were buried with mummies? Who discovered King Tut's tomb? Unwrap the answers to these questions and more in Magic Tree House Research Guide #3: Mummies and Pyramids, Jack and Annie's very own guide to the secrets of ancient Egypt. Includes information on hieroglyphics, how mummies were made, tomb treasures and robbers, Egyptian gods and goddesses, and much more!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
If the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions a mummy is a ghastly, bandaged creature staggering forth from a tomb, it's time to take a look at Mummies and Pyramids. This entertaining and enlightening research companion to Mary Pope Osborne's Mummies in the Morning is perfect for readers who developed an insatiable taste for the mysteries and science of ancient Egypt while reading about Jack and Annie's time- and space-traveling adventures at the pyramid of Queen Hutepi. Guided by siblings Jack and Annie, stars of the Magic Tree House series, the easy-to-read text offers up the secrets of pharaohs, hieroglyphic writing, the building of pyramids, how and why mummies were made, the Book of the Dead, Egyptian gods and goddesses, tomb treasures--and tomb robbers--and more. Divided into chapters covering everyday life in ancient Egypt, religion, funerals, and the most famous mummy of all, King Tutankhamen, the book also offers suggestions on how children can do their own research. Plentiful black and white illustrations and reproductions of Egyptian art make learning extra fun, as do regular appearances by Jack and Annie as they explain details of the text or offer commentary ("Not fair!" Annie says, "Only boys could go to school and become scribes!"). Stimulating and lively, this research guide is a stellar introduction to a subject guaranteed to intrigue young readers. (Ages 6 to 10)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a very good book for children. It contains a lot of great information about Ancient Egypt. I read another review by a reader who was offended by the thought that the Pyramids weren't built by slaves. This was obviously a surprise to him but I had heard it elsewhere so it was no news to me. There were slaves in Egypt and I'm sure they were badly used in other jobs. They could have also been used to help build the pyramids, I doubt we will ever know exactly. This is a good book and no reader should pass it up over one shocked review. There's plenty of good information here and it is very interesting.

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