畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse
Author:   Selden, George / Garth Williams
Category: Fiction - General 

ISBN: 9780374428952  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 80 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 1-4 A tiny New York City mouse longs for a name and a home, finds both, and makes a friend. This early history of Tucker Mouse and Harry Kitten, that well-loved couple from The Cricket in Times Square (Farrar, 1960) and other books, will attract new, younger readers in this attractive large format book. The story is not as compelling reading as the first books, but never mind. For example, Tucker and Harry become friends at Harry's encouragement in order not to make life worse for each other by fightingphilosophically admirable, but dramatically ineffective. However, in the end the two show their old moxie in an exciting confrontation with three tough rats. Dialogue, rather than action, is at the fore, which limits the book's movement. It's a little slow, but children should still enjoy the characters; the pictures in the familiar Williams style, beautifully inked and sharply contrasted against the milky-bright pages with wide margins and eye-easy type; and the humorous dust jacket.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
In this, the prequel to "Cricket in Times Square", we meet the very young Tucker Mouse and Harry Cat. Well, actually Harry KITTEN in this case. When our story opens, Tucker is wandering the streets of New York, lost, hungry, tired and even NAMELESS! Determined to make something of himself, he struts off down the street searching our first his own name and then his fame and fortune. A sweet shop gives him his name, and a young kitten, equally lost and alone, gives him friendship. Thus is born the friendship that many of us know and love from "Cricket" and Mr. Selden's other books. Together the pair set off to find a place to live. This proves to be a bigger, more complicated task than one might originally think!! The Empire State Building calls to them--why not live in one of the biggest buildings in the whole city? However, when they manage to finally find themselves in the basement where there are little or no people, the find themselves in a vast, cavernous tunnel of white tiles. LOST!! But, by keeping their wits about them, they manage to get back out on to the street. The old piers seem like a good place to live until our heroes are nearly crushed by falling debris from the crumbling buildings. An upscale park is quite beautiful and peaceful, but too ritzy and, well, DULL for our young companions. Deciding that this is still not the place for them, they set off again, this time toward Times Square. There, they finally find the home in the drainpipe readers know and love so well... There's just one problem though, and that's the local gang of rats with thick, New York accents who want to steal all of Tucker's life savings!! "Cricket in Times Square" is still an extremely popular book, though many of the other works by Mr. S. that feature the same characters are much lesser known. Not as many fans of "Cricket" go on to read "Tucker's Countryside" or "Harry Cat's Pet Puppy." I myself have read "The Cricket in Times Square" multiple times, but stumbles across this book, "Tucker Mouse and Harry Cat" rather by accident! I'm very glad I did, though!! Though the writing is a bit weaker than I expected--the story is certainly not as long as the other's in this series, nor are the events or characters fleshed out as much--it's still a very good book and worth reading. I think Mr. Selden intended this book to be for younger audiences than those who normally read "Cricket", for the story is easier to read with less detail. The pen & ink illustrations by Mr. Williams are as familiar and comfortable as those in the other books; I'm especially fond of the picture of Harry and Tucker clinging together in terror at being lost in the corridors of the Empire State Building! Weak or not, younger audience or not, this book is definitely worth reading, and will add so much to the beloved adventures of two beloved characters. Highly recommended!!

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