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Chester Cricket's Pigeon Ride
Author:   Selden, George / Garth Williams
Category: Fiction - Action  Animals  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780374411817  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 64 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.95
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Chester Cricket--the famous cricket in Times Square--is homesick. When his friend Mario takes him to a sky show at the Planetarium, Chester realizes how much he misses seeing real stars at night.

Happily, he finds his way out of the subway into Times Square, where he meets a new friend, Lulu Pigeon. Lulu takes him on a trip beyond his wildest dreams. From Central Park to the top of the Empire State Building, from the Statue of Liberty and back to Times Square, Chester sees Manhattan in style--and even finds a little bit of country in the city!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Chester crickets pigeon ride is about a cricket named chester who lives in a sub way in New York with a boy who cares for him and two friends that is a cat and a mouse and they are maried(The cat and mouse are the ones who are maried.)Also when Chester started to feel home sick from his origonal home in the country he began to smell some oak trees.(Their are barly any trees in New York.)So now Chester is tring to find out were the tree sent was coming from,but when he found out were the oak trees were their was a big problem Chester had to cross a bissy,bissy road called Park ave.(The oak trees are on the other side of Park ave,the trees are in a park called Central Park.)Now to get to the park Chester took a cople leeps to the other side and he jumped to the bigest oak tree he layed his eyes on.Next when Chester the cricket landed onthe tree he started to nibble on leafs,but then a pigeon flew right next to him and said,what is a cricket like you doing here in the city?(He is in Time Square,New York.)All Chester did was get scared,but then the pigeon saw that he was scaring Chester so he wanted to make it up to him by showing him the sights in New York like the Statue of Liberty.Also now every time Chestergoes to Central Park he has a new friend who is a pigeon.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Chester Cricket--the famous cricket in Times Square--is homesick. When his friend Mario takes him to a sky show at the Planetarium, Chester realizes how much he misses seeing real stars at night. Happily, he finds his way out of the subway into Times Square, where he meets a new friend, Lulu Pigeon. Lulu takes him on a trip beyond his wildest dreams. From Central Park to the top of the Empire State Building, from the Statue of Liberty and back to Times Square, Chester sees Manhattan in style--and even finds a little bit of country in the city!

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