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The Neat Line: Scribbling Through Mother Goose
Author:   Edwards, Pamela Duncan / Diana Cain Bluthenthal
Category: Fiction - Language  General 

ISBN: 9780066239705  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.99
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:
PreS-Gr. 2. A baby scribble grows up into a Neat Line that wriggles into a book of nursery rhymes and rescues the characters by transforming itself into whatever is needed. For Little Boy Blue, Line transforms into a horn to summon the sheep and cows that ran away when Boy Blue slept. For Jack and Jill, Line draws itself as a pathway to lead them back up the hill. To frighten the spider, Line becomes a big bird, and, for once, Miss Muffet is able to finish her meal. Some of the wry commentary may be a bit complicated for the young audience, but they will enjoy the play with the familiar Mother Goose characters as well as the bright, active pictures that extend the fun of the scenarios. Hazel Rochman

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Starred Review. PreSchool-Grade 3–In this brilliantly creative romp through the land of Mother Goose, a baby scribble, after much practice, becomes a Neat Line and enters a book of nursery rhymes. (Youngsters may recognize their own struggles with print as they view Scribble's humorous transformation.) There the line helps Little Boy Blue corral his sheep and cows by drawing a horn; saves Jack and Jill from another fall by drawing a pathway up the hill; waters Mary's drooping flowers (contrary Mary is in a snit and refuses to do so herself) by drawing a rain cloud; and creates a bird to scare away the spider harassing Little Miss Muffet. Tired from its labors, the line draws itself into the Man in the Moon and goes to sleep. The relevant nursery-rhyme verse follows each of Neat Line's encounters with the distressed characters. "Leave it to me," says the confident line, as it proceeds to draw itself into the problem-solving object. The large cartoon paintings, many of them spreads, are appropriately outlined with thick, bold lines and are framed by book pages on either side. This resourceful Neat Line deserves to take its place beside Peter H. Reynolds's The Dot (Candlewick, 2003) and Carole Lexa Schaefer's The Squiggle (Crown, 1996) as it inspires readers to attempt ever more challenging rescues by adding more characters and drawings to the story. A thoroughly satisfying journey.–Marianne Saccardi, Norwalk Community College, CT

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My 4/almost 5 yr. old and I love this book. Yes, it is simple but for this age (3-6), it is perfect. The illustrations are clear and though there are 2 story lines (the nursery rhyme and the line's interaction with the characters) it's easy to follow, easy to read aloud to the child and the pages are uncluttered. With it's familiar text and some repeated lines it will have your child chiming in to provide lines (and possibly even reading along with you) in no time. The line's rescues reminded us of the Super Readers on PBS. Now when we read a particularly sad or scary Mother Goose Rhyme we can think of ways the line would help and change the story.

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