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Gigi And Lulu'a Gigantic Fight
Author:   Edwards, Pamela Duncan / Henry Cole
Category: Fiction - Animals  Social 

ISBN: 9780060507527  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 1–Gigi and Lulu, a mouse and a piglet, are best friends. They wear matching clothes, take the same lunches to school, and are "like two peas in a pod." One day, when Gigi knocks over Lulu's house of blocks, they have a fight and refuse to make up. On Tuesday, their teacher announces "Twin Day"–when friends can dress alike and bring identical lunches–and Gigi and Lulu refuse to participate because they are too angry with one another. They arrive at school on the designated day and are surprised to find how much their preferences differ. They don't have the same favorite outfit or food. They do, however, have the same favorite "green sneakers with spotted yellow laces." In the end, they decide that it's OK for friends to like different things as long as they have some things in common. Although this tale has an important theme, maintaining individuality within best friendship, the fight seems a bit trumped up so that the author can make her point rather than a logical part of the story. Cole's vivid and often humorous watercolor illustrations depict a likable cast of animals engaged in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. The characters' expressive faces clearly convey a wide range of emotions. Despite the inconsistency of the gigantic fight with the rest of the story, this is an appealing book about friendship.–Kelley Rae Unger, Peabody Institute, MA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Gigi and Lulu are best friends. That is until one day they have a gigantic fight. Everyone tries to get them to make up but they refuse! Their teacher tells the class that they will be having twin day at school. Gigi and Lulu are suppose to be partners but they don't want to be. Each one wears what they like best on twin day. They wind up wearing the same pair of shoes and this brings the friends back together again. They talk about the fight they had and work out their problems. This shows that even the best of friends don't always like the same things. This is perfectly fine because being different from each other is what makes us special. Perfect for youngsters 3-7,Gigi and LuLu's Gigantic Fight is a fun-filled, interactive story that is sure to teach little ones the value of friendship in a clever and captivating way.

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