畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Sam and the Firefly  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Eastman, P. D.
Category: Fiction - Animals  Language 

ISBN: 9810000001164  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 72 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 8.99
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


Overview / 简介:
Illus. in color. The story of an incredible twosome that "provides interest, suspense and word repetition. Illustrations excellent. Recommended."

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I have never forgotten reading *Sam and the Firefly* as a child, and I never will. One of my children projects all of his naughty deeds onto Sam; the other wants me to be sure to read every single word on every single page. This is a book that, on all levels, just plain works. Gus is a law-abiding owl who teaches Sam to make words with his fire-fly light. Sam likes the words but soon is into mischief, writing "cold dogs" above a hot dog stand and nearly causing a riot by writing "free" above a movie theater. His tricks border on the dark as he almost causes cars to collide. The scary darkness of the tale never comes to anything but engages the reader completely. My children worried about the outcome, and wondered (like Gus) how to control Sam. The book even becomes tense when Sam ends up in a closed glass jar and needs rescuing. Yes, Gus is a lot like a parent. Sam is a lot like a child. And the book is full of learning to read and testing limits and innocently causing real danger and true friendship and sticking together and...it amazes me how seamlessly Eastman puts all of this material together in a riveting story. This may be the best Eastman book of all. It may also be one of the least preachy and most educational books I know. Dark and light, good and bad. It's all there.

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可可妈: 恶作剧     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/6/18 17:15:00
猫头鹰Sam 在晚上找不到朋友玩,因为它们都睡觉了,它就飞到湖边,听到有人说:“我们来一起玩吧!”原来是一只萤火虫Gus。“我只要让我的灯持续地亮着,我就能玩出我的绝招。”Gus说。“好”,Sam飞上飞下,前进停止,Gus就跟着飞上飞下,前进停止,同时画出各种线条,一会儿,Gus还写出了它们的名字,它们都很喜欢这个游戏,并且写出了许多其它的字。突然Gus不见了,Sam找啊找啊,发现它飞到了道路的上空,写出了“GO FAST 、GO SLOW、 GO RIGHT 、GO LEFT”,结果引起了路上严重的交通事故,Sam叫它停、回来,Gus不听,乐此不疲地继续写,还在空中写,使得空中飞机乱成一团。Sam再次叫它停、回来,告诉它这种使坏的恶作剧不好玩,Gus依然不听,甚至骂它是“你是一只老鹅,你是一只老公鸡”,“你可以回家了!”绝尘而去。
Gus继续做坏事,在电影院上空写了“免费电影,请进!”很多人来到电影院;它还在“HOT DOGS"招牌上写上了“COLD",使得想买热狗的人们份份离去,“我们是不要买冷的热狗!”热狗店男主人恨得啊,拿起一只网和一只瓶,就将萤火虫逮到了,并发了疯似的,将瓶子放在车上,快速地开走了,“我要让它离这儿远远的!”Gus拚了命想出来,但出不来,这时它才后悔没有听Sam的话,停止它的恶作剧。Sam悄悄地跟在车子后面,突然车子一个颠簸,停在了铁路上,这时正好对面一列火车将要开到,Sam急中生智抓起瓶子向地上砸去,瓶子碎了,Gus出来了。“你可以救这辆车,你可以让火车停下来,你知道如何做的!”Sam说道。Gus以最快的速度在空中写了许多大的“停”。火车停了,热狗男人和火车人都夸奖说:“好样的,好戏法!”从此后,每到晚上,月亮升起的时候,Sam和Gus都快乐地玩在一起。
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