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When I Was a Baby  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Niland, Deborah
Category: Fiction - Bedtime  Growth 

ISBN: 9781933605494  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Overview / 简介:
When I was a baby I snuggled in my blanket. Now I am a big boy. I have a new baby sister...I gave her my blanket. This gorgeous picture book for toddlers and pre-schoolers is in child-friendly card with rounded corners, and in small square format, perfect for even the smallest hands.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Our hero discusses when he was a baby. He goes on to describe his daily activities now that he is a big boy. Finally, we are introduced to his little sister who is still a baby. The colors are bright and the words snake through the drawings. A truly appealing book to discuss baby and big boy behavior. Karen Woodworth-Roman www.librarians.info

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Deborah Niland is one of Australia's most highly-acclaimed illustrators. She has illustrated many books for children but is probably best known for her work in Hazel Edwards' There's a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake. This classic picture book has never been out of print since its original publication in 1980 and has won many awards including the prestigious Leipzig Bronze Medal for international picture-book design.

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笨笨: 妈妈,我小时候是什么样子的? 2012/2/28 12:12:00
最近,刚刚过完4岁生日的儿子常常会问我这个问题,正好这次选书的时候发现了这本书,穿纸尿裤、到处乱爬、吃米糊糊、出牙、小毯子、喜欢妈妈抱抱;然后长成了一个big boy,正如现在的大航,会跳、会跑,有满嘴牙,还有了一个可爱的baby sister,当然还是喜欢——妈妈的抱抱!文字不多,大航刚开始接触安妮图书馆,有一点单词的基础,但是因为图画很形象,再加上单词不多,儿子可以认真的听下来。
0 顶.  
chillyshau: 穿纸尿裤的宝宝 2012/4/18 14:13:00
也是适合3岁左右的宝宝看的书。看到穿着纸尿裤的BABY那一页时小满会很兴奋,会要求我拿纸尿裤给他穿上。实际他已经脱离纸尿裤半年了,他还记得自己小时候也是穿这个的。还有BABY长成BIG BOY 后头上的卷发也让小满觉得有些奇怪头发为什么是卷卷的跟他自己的不一样,便一遍遍的问我这是什么这是什么,告诉他这是HAIR,他便摸摸自己的头发。
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