畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Bear Flies High  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Rosen, Michael / Adrian Reynolds
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Language 

ISBN: 9781599903873  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.89
押 金: ¥108
逾期借阅费: ¥18/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
With a format similar to Bear’s Day Out (2007), this follows the appealing bear on a trip to an amusement park. As before, Bear repeats his refrains with a question tucked in the middle: “I wish I could fly up high. / Up high? / Up high!” Four children take him under their collective wing, so to speak, and show him how he can do just that. With a text construction that’s pleasing to little listeners and oversize watercolor artwork that gives children a sense of time as the colors change from bright morning to nighttime sky, this makes a delightful story hour choice. Preschool-Kindergarten. --Ilene Cooper --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
A big goofy bear went plopity plopping down the beach singing to himself as he watching the birds fly over the sands between the ocean and the cliffs. "Doo bee doo / Doo bee doo / Doo bee doodily doo." He was so happy racing across the sands making big craters with his great big feet. He loved to watch the birds "swoopy swoopity swoop" through the skies and began to wish that he too could fly like them. He tried to jump high in the air, but didn't get anywhere. A seagull sitting on a small dune looked at him as if he were silly, but soon four children came along and asked the big goofy bear to follow them. Perhaps there was a way for him to fly. He followed them up the sand dunes and kept on following until they could see a big balloon in the sky and a carnival in the distance. He was so excited when they passed through the gate he looked as if he was skipping. Needless to say, everyone else in line had wide-open mouths as they stared at that big goofy bear who was pushing his way past the gate. "Don't push! Don't push! Don't pushy push!" Well, he did anyway. There were so many fun things to see and do. A whirling `round ride with cups and saucers, a haunted house ("Hoo woopity woo!), and a roller coaster seemed to be waiting for them. Was that big goofy bear really going to fly? "Swoopy swoopity swoop . . . " This big goofy bear with his innocent look and knack for nonsense words and phrases will give your little one a case of the giggles. I loved the way this bear's innocence and love of the small things came through on the pages. The repetitious nonsense phrases made the reading rhythmical and lots of fun. If you have a knack for reading with an expressive tone of voice to young children, you'll be listening to a lot of giggly voices. The artwork is colorful, vibrant and has that "cuddly" quality that is very appealing. This would be a perfect book to read during circle or story time!

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甜溜溜: 出自于大家熟悉的《WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT》同一作者的系列书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/7/27 11:01:00
以前看过we're gong on a bear hunt这本书的电子版和音频,姐弟俩都很喜欢。所以当这本书拿到后孩子们也非常有兴趣。这本书是讲熊在沙滩上看到鸟在天空高飞,它也想象鸟儿一样能高高的飞在天空,四个孩子告诉它,跟我们走吧,带你去个遥远的地方,可以让你飞起来,于是follow,follow,最后到了游乐园,熊和孩子们坐上过山车,真的实现了熊高飞的愿望。熊得愿望也是许多孩子的愿望!
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甜溜溜: 出自于大家熟悉的《WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT》同一作者的系列书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/7/27 11:01:00
以前看过we're gong on a bear hunt这本书的电子版和音频,姐弟俩都很喜欢。所以当这本书拿到后孩子们也非常有兴趣。这本书是讲熊在沙滩上看到鸟在天空高飞,它也想象鸟儿一样能高高的飞在天空,四个孩子告诉它,跟我们走吧,带你去个遥远的地方,可以让你飞起来,于是follow,follow,最后到了游乐园,熊和孩子们坐上过山车,真的实现了熊高飞的愿望。熊得愿望也是许多孩子的愿望!
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