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The Mischief Monster
Author:   Coville, Bruce / Katerine Coville
Series: Moongobblg and MG 
Category: Fiction - Tales 

ISBN: 9781416908081  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 74 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Moongobblg and MG

Overview / 简介:
Sometimes when you get what you want, it's not as good as you thought it would be. Ever since Edward's good friend Moongobble became a full magician, life has been rather boring. No more adventures.
But then Snelly comes bursting into their lives. Snelly is small -- only a foot tall -- but she's a bundle of trouble. She's the daughter of the queen of the Mischief Monsters, and she has run away. Edward, Moongobble, and their friends learn that they must return Snelly to her home right away, or her mom will start a Mischief War. And that would be really annoying!

So Edward, Moongobble, Urk, and Fireball set off on another adventure, this time to return Snelly to her home in Monster Mountain. But when they get there they find a bigger surprise waiting for them than they ever could have imagined. And Edward won't have to worry about being bored for a very long time!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The Mischief Monster picks up the story of Moongobble and Edward after the events in The Evil Elves (published in 2004). Moongoble has completed his mighty tasks and is now a full fledged wizard. Alas for him but fortunately for us, this does not mean he is still not turning things into cheese or otherwise miscasting his spells. Edward is working in the garden, lamenting how dull things are since there have been no more adventures and Moongobble doesn't have any customers when a tiny monster shows up, just as Moongobble is turning Urk the toad into a tiny pink cat. Of course our intrepid band must return this little monster to her mother. But where is the Rusty Knight if he is not in his house? Will Urk ever become a toad again? Will Moongobble ever learn to cast a spell? All these questions will be answered! This book shares all the features with its predecessors that make it practically self recommending. My sons (age 7 and 9) got a big kick out of the spells gone wrong and Urk's surly attitude. They very much enjoyed the generous number of Ms. Coville's illustrations. My impression is, however, that this book is really too juvenile for ages 9-12. It is a better bet for age 4-8, particularly if you dislike the violence in Spiderwick or the bad language in the Shluffmuffin saga. For the independent reader of chapter books in 1st-2nd grade it would be great, as it is a very nice hardcover, perfectly sized with a handsome slipcover. Adults should probably do a quick pre-read as there was one word that some might find objectionable (this was also the case in The Evil Elves but it got eidted out of my review). The Mischief Monster leave us with another quest for Moongobble and Edward so there should be at least one more volume in the saga, a good thing since young Moongobble fans are always asking for more.

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