畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Kiki's Blankie
Author:   Bynum, Janie
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Fantasy 

ISBN: 9781402759109  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14.95
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥15/月


Overview / 简介:
With her adored polka-dot blankie in hand, Kiki can do and be anything she wants. In a flash, it transforms her into a cowgirl, a pirate, even a superhero with a cape! So when the blankie blows away, Kiki will do anything to get it back…even face a very scary crocodile.

Janie Bynum’s irresistible heroine proves that love makes us brave and strong—even when we don’t have our special blanket to protect us!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a beautifully illustrated story that reaches out to kids and parents alike. Rich in magnificent water-colors that spark any child's imagination and can become starting platforms for hours of imaginative play. It's a great read for a toddler and a fun short story for an older child with plenty of short easy sentences and a surprise ending that will keep them coming back. We love reading it together and can't wait for more adventures of this super monkey!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Janie Bynum has written and illustrated several children's books. In addition to her work in children's literature, She owns and operates a corporate graphic design studio. Visit Janie Bynum online at www.janiebynum.com.

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