From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 2 Only the familiar plot of this well-known Norwegian folktale is recognizable in this revision. Gone is the cadence and beauty of G. W. Dasent's translation of Asbjornsen and Moe's text, found in Marcia Brown's version (HBJ, 1957; o.p.). Instead there is language devoid of rhythm and mystery. In addition, unnecessary motivations are ascribed to the characters that serve to explain the reason for their violent actions (the troll is hungry; the big Billy Goat Gruff is angry). These explanations serve only to dilute the power of the story. The full-color illustrations are humorous; the goats walk about on their hind legs, the smallest goat wears a diaper and sucks a pacifier, and the biggest wears a black leather jacket, to reinforce the point that he is tough enough to destroy the troll. The troll is quite scary, and although he does have a nose as long as a poker, his eyes are not as big as saucers; the illustration that introduces the troll does not even show his eyes. A better purchase is Galdone's version (Clarion, 1981) which is well-suited for use with large groups and more closely follows the standard translation. Ellen Fader, Westport Public Library, Conn.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My boys love this author's version of the Three Little Pigs, so I bought a few more of his fairy tales for them. They also liked this one, but not as much. That might just be because it's not quite as interesting a tale! But the illustrations are well done---especially the troll, who is truly scary looking! This is a good book for a reader who likes to do voices, as you really have to use dramatic effect to show how the biggest billy goat has a loud and intimidating voice while the little one has a tiny and timid voice! |
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