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The Eyes of Gray Wolf  有内页照片
Author:   London, Jonathan / Jon Van Zyle
Category: Fiction - Animals 

ISBN: 9780811841412  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
On a cold northern night, a restless gray wolf encounters an unknown wolf pack, from which a young white wolf steps out and they become mates.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3-In poetic prose as spare as the Northern setting it portrays, a crucial moment in the life of a wolf who has lost his mate to man is described. Gray Wolf hunts on a moonlit winter night until suddenly his senses alert him to the presence of a strange pack. White Wolf steps out, the two animals meet, circling each other, leaving together, and eventually become the leaders of a new pack. The strength of this story is in its art. The moon is a powerful presence, washing over the snow, lighting the wolves' eyes with intensity, highlighting their bristling fur, offering shadows of the pack that never steps into its light. Van Zyle's brushstrokes are rich with texture, drawing readers into the environment and the story. A map showing the animal's past and present ranges, an extensive list of conservation organizations, and an excellent author's note that briefly discusses history, behavior, and endangered status contribute to the authority of the book. Superior art and minimalist text offer a more accessible and gripping glimpse of the wolf than that found in Jim Murphy's The Call of the Wolves

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is one of those children's picture books that doesn't quite fit a given, standardized genre. In many ways, it bucks the trends, refuses to be pigeonholed, and is a departure from the norm. While "The Eyes of Grey Wolf" is indeed supposed to be a children's book, it defies description and genre in such unique ways as to make it fit for any age group. Best of all, the story is guaranteed to stay with you, despite taking up only thirty pages. Written in a short, to-the-point, and almost poetic prose style that conjures up Native American folk tales, the book is equal parts kids book and adult literature. And the paintings? Absolutely glorious in their realistic depiction of Gray Wolf's adventure on a snowy, moonlit night. The effect of combining both the stylized writing and luminous art is an almost magical tale that could have come from Native legends. Included at the end is a page or two with factual information on wolves, and contact information for some wolf conservation groups. Overall, an excellent book for any youngster's report on wolves, endangered species, or the environment. The book is relatively short, but do not let that dissuade you from purchasing it. Once you've read it, you'll be glad to have "The Eyes of Grey Wolf" in your collection. To author London and illustrator Van Zyle, I say thank you for putting this project together.

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