畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Olvina Swims
Author:   Lin, Grace
Category: Fiction - Growth  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780805076615  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.95
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
Olvina the plucky chicken is back for another adventure!

Olvina can swim about as well as she can fly, but her reluctance to swim hasn't been a problem until she's on vacation in Hawaii with her friend Hailey. Will Olvina let her fear of the water spoil her fun? Not with Hailey on the job.

Children (as well as chickens) may find learning to swim a daunting challenge. This reassuring story shows that with a little courage, lots of practice, and the help of a good friend, one can accomplish just about anything.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2—The story picks up where Olvina Flies (Holt, 2003) leaves off, with the fearful chicken and her penguin friend in Hawaii. Hailey encourages her pal to overcome her fear of the water in stages, first in the bathtub, then in the pool, and finally in the ocean. In the end, Olvina learns to enjoy the water and appreciate a helpful friend. Lin's straightforward story will reassure nervous young swimmers. Both the text and art include whimsical moments and images, such as the ocean-dwelling fish sporting top hats and caps. The full- and half-page spreads, executed in gouache, feature delightful patterned borders and fabric designs in sunny colors. Pair this with Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz's Froggy Learns to Swim (Viking, 1995) for a storytime that youngsters can dive into.—Rachel G. Payne, Brooklyn Public Library, NY

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
After attending the annual Bird Convention in Hawaii (I love it!--The birds choose their junket/meeting site like humans would), young birds Olvina the chicken and Hailey the penguin have a few days to enjoy the island. Haily, wearing a blue swimming cap, and a stunning strioed one-piece, invites fully clothed Alvina to join her in the ocean. Every day Olvina declines. On the third day, Hailey asks Olvina what's really going on, and learns "Chickens don't swim." The plucky Hailey encourages her: "Just because chickens don't swimm doesn't mean they can't. It's easy--Ill teach you." "Teach me to swim? But I'm too scared to swim." "Oh, Olvina", Hailey groaned, "Don't be such a chicken." "Where have I heard that before?" Olvina mumbled to herself." This enterprise will be tougher than Hailey thought: Olvina's quite afraid of water. So Hailey, who must have attended a colloquiam on "Overcoming Avian Phobias through Progressive Conditioning" helps Olvina conquer her fear by taking baby chicken steps: A bathtub (where she practices dipping her face in the water and blowing bubbles), a swimming pool (accompanied by a hilarious pictue showing a couple dozen animals diving, floaqting, and swimming--all watched by an alligator lifeguard!), where Hailey informs her that her successful effort may be "the first time a chicken has done the dog paddle," and finally a wonderful swim in the ocean, including an underwater view od the fish, seaweeds, shells, crabs, etc. that dot the seascape. Lin really respects Olvina's fears, and shows how small steps, facts (that funny smell in the pool is just chlorine--wear your goggles and you'll be fine), the support of a good friend, and patience can go a long way in learning new things and overcoming fears. It's a wonderful story about approaching new things, but without sounding preachy. A valuable book for kids and adults to read together, I recommend it enthusiastically. It may help kids overcome specific swimming fears, suggest approaches to anxiety about new things in general, and it's entertaining in its own right.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Grace Lin is the author of Olvina Flies, as well as several other picture books, including Fortune Cookie Fortunes and Dim Sum for Everyone. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.

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