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The Cow Who Clucked
Author:   Fleming, Denise
Category: Fiction - Farm  Concepts  Humorous  General 

ISBN: 9780805072655  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 36 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.99
押 金: ¥108
逾期借阅费: ¥18/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Starred Review. PreSchool-Grade 1–A cow wakes up to find that she has lost her moo and is clucking instead. She visits various creatures throughout the countryside, clucking at them and getting answers in their natural sounds. 'Cluck, cluck,' said Cow. 'Meow,' said Cat. 'It is not you who has my moo,' said Cow. And on she went. The repetitive refrain, It is not you who has my moo, has a sonorous charm and invites participation. Some readers will quickly realize that if Cow is clucking, she should go directly to Hen to find her moo. The Greek chorus of yellow chicks (who apparently follow Cow because she sounds like their mother) might be another wink to readers. When Cow at last finds Hen mooing, the two animals trade sounds and the chicks–silent up to this point–immediately find their own voice: peep. The gentle inside jokes, the animal sounds, and the repetitive phrase constitute only a fraction of this book's appeal. Fleming is, after all, a thrilling illustrator whose pulp-painting technique brings subtlety and texture to densely colored art. Here, she creates a countryside inspired by Van Gogh, and the net result is some of her most sensational artwork to date. The layers of subtle humor and visual splendor are truly impressive.–Susan Weitz, formerly at Spencer-Van Etten School District, Spencer, NY

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
thought the book "The Cow who Clucked" was a very unoriginal book in which young children can learn from. Most childrens books that teach children about farm animals are original and just like the next one. Fleming does an amazing job at creating a very funny, but educational story line for the story. It teaches children the differnt barnyard animals and the sounds they make. The story starts out with a cow, who just woke up,and realizes she lost her moo...instead she clucked. The first thing cow says is, "The first thing I must do, is find my moo." So she goes searching throughout the barnyard for her moo. She runs into dog first. Fleming, then,introduces the line that is repeated all throughout the rest of the book,"It is not you who has my moo." This phrase that is continually repeated allows easy reading for early readers. Cow asks many other barnyard animals such as bee, cat, fish, duck, goat, mouse, snake, squirrel, and owl if they have her moo. Cow found out they all had their right sounds. Finally cow asks hen and finds out she has her moo!! Fleming's illustrations are also unique and add to the story.This is an extremely great book and will capture any child's attention.

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