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 Book Details...

A Woman For President: The Story Of Victoria Woodhull
Author:   Kathleen Krull / Jane Dyer
Category: Fiction - History  General 

ISBN: 9780802789082  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.95
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
In 1872, American women couldn’t vote, but they could run for president.

Can you name the first woman to run for president, or the first woman
to have a seat on the stock exchange? Do you know the first woman
to own a newspaper or to speak before Congress?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 3-5–Despite her impressive number of achievements–first woman to sit on the Stock Exchange, first woman to own a newspaper or speak before Congress, first woman to run for the presidency of the United States–Woodhull is little known by elementary-grade students. This book, though soft-pedaling the more scandalous aspects of her life, rectifies that omission. Born into an impoverished family, Woodhull was supporting her clan by the time she was eight as a gospel preacher. Married at 14 to her alcoholic doctor, she and her sister became well known as fortune-tellers. By the time they became spiritual and financial advisors to Cornelius Vanderbilt, Woodhull had divorced, remarried, and moved her entire family, including her ailing ex-husband, into a large house in New York City where she took an active role in the women's suffrage movement. It was this involvement that led her to declare herself a candidate for president in 1872. Although the campaign was a failure, it did serve to raise the issue of women's rights in an obvious and unforgettable manner. Krull's writing style is lively and engaging and Dyer's large, photo-realist watercolors capture the sense of the age and involve both eye and imagination. Use this lovely book with Jean Fritz's You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton? (Putnam, 1995) for an expanded look at the birth of the movement for women's rights.–Ann Welton, Grant Elementary School, Tacoma, WA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book portrays Woodhull as a hero, but she was a racist and embraced FORCED STERILIZATION. She advocated for the malevolent position of eugenics. You can read her own words in the book *Free Lover: Sex, Marriage And Eugenics in the Early Speeches of Victoria Woodhull*. According to Amazon.com, "Her speeches and writings laid the eugenic foundation for the forced sterilization laws passed in over thirty states from 1907 on. When the U.S. Supreme Court declared such laws constitutional in 1927...."

About the Author / 作者介绍:
KATHLEEN KRULL is well known for her innovative, award-winning nonfiction for young readers, which includes the successful Lives of... series. Kathleen Krull lives in San Diego, CA. Visit her at www.kathleenkrull.com AND http://facebook.com/kathleen.krull

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