畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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A Room With A Zoo
Author:   Feiffer, Jules
Category: Fiction - Pet  General 

ISBN: 9780786837038  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 192 页
Age / Level: 9-12, / Level-6
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 7.99
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
Julie wants a dog more than anything in the world, but her parents won't let her have one until she’s old enough to walk it by herself. Julie does manage to collect some other pets while she waits, though: a sick cat, a hamster, a big, ugly fish, six smaller fish to keep the big fish company, a turtle, a strong-minded kitten, an unresponsive hermit crab, and a borrowed classroom rabbit that seems to be dying. All in one bedroom. Is enough ever enough for this critter connoisseur?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2-4–Writing from the point of view of his nine-year-old daughter, Feiffer recounts the pet-strewn pathway to her finally getting a dog. Her indulgent parents feed Julie's passion for animals by getting a string of substitute animals that don't need to be walked: a cat proves standoffish, so they buy a hamster to entertain the cat. Next comes a carnivorous fish that eats its companions. Then a turtle. This lengthy chapter book includes the child's various friends, school scenes, and a trip to the country to visit a stepsister, which produces yet another cat, but a warm and friendly one. The final chaos, which involves her father falling and throwing his back out, the girl trying to wash a murky fish tank by herself while keeping the cats and hamster apart, and an ensuing trip to the emergency room, reads like a Keystone Kops episode. It isn't until Julie bravely receives 19 stitches that she gets her dog. Feiffer's hilarious ink-and-wash illustrations keep Julie and the animals in focus. Some children may delight in the tone of the narration, the childlike logic, and the winning way she takes charge of her pets and herself by story's end. Others will be turned off by this overindulged child, the wordy text, and the somewhat ludicrous idea that you buy five or six other pets before getting the one that the child really wants.–Susan Hepler, Burgundy Farm Country Day School, Alexandria, VA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Julie is an animal lover who has always wanted a dog. She asks for a dog when she sees one on the street, and then again when she sees one on television. "Not until you're old enough to walk it yourself," her parents tell her. Then one day Julie has a new idea. "You don't have to walk a cat, do you?" she asks. Her parents let her have Timmy, the first animal for the zoo in her bedroom. A ROOM WITH A ZOO is about Julie's adventures with animals. One animal at a time, her room fills with pets. Her parents get her Hammy, a hamster, when Timmy isn't as cuddly as she imagined. Next they get Oscar, a mean, ugly fish, to take Timmy's mind off of eating Hammy. Then there's a turtle, and a visit from the classroom rabbit. Each pet creates some new adventure, or disaster. The book culminates with a trip to a relative's farm. Julie sees all kinds of other animals she would like to have, including goats and a newborn kitten. But each time she asks for a new pet, she worries she's using up her chances to get what she really wants...a dog. Children will identify with Julie's passions and anxieties about her animals. Adults will relate to what Julie's parents experience each time a new pet is added to her zoo. Illustrated liberally by the author's hilarious and emotive drawings, the story of the Feiffer family could be the account of any family who has ever tried to find the right pet to love. --- Reviewed by Sarah A. Wood

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