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Friends Forever  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Grindley, Sally / Penny Dann
Category: Fiction - Social  Freind 

ISBN: 9780753459768  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 48 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.95
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Overview / 简介:
Figgy Twosocks, the fox, is curious. Just what is a friend for? Jefferson Bear helps her find the answer. Together they discover all of the special qualities that make up true friendship -- playing, sharing, helping -- and forgiving.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Ha! Ha! Ha! I still can't get over that name: Figgy Twosocks. What a cute little name, for such a cute little character, in such a cute little independent reader for 1st through 3rd graders! Can we say "Cute?" This is a book about Figgy Twosocks and Jefferson Bear, and their friendship. We read this book, "Friends Forever", SEVERAL times, before returning it to the library. My kindergarten child fell in love with it before I even introduced it to her. (She has the habit of digging into things ahead of time). She loved the illustrations. I think she thought the same thing that I did - - that this book would be adorable. The cover, after all, shows a huge, white, lovable bear in an endearing embrace with a little red fox. They must be the "bestest" of friends! What a great Independent Reader. This book was intended to be read independently by 1st through 3rd graders. My kindergartner is at a 1st grade reading level. Though the words are in decent sized print, I was afraid she might be a little overwhelmed/ intimidated by the number of words in this book. So I read a page, and she read a page, until we finished this book. Well, actually, this book is also two chapters. So it introduces children to the concept of chapter books as well (let me emphasize the word "introduce," as it is only two chapters, and the words are in large print). We read it in two days, reading one chapter a day. The first chapter gives a beautiful illustration of what friendship, and all worthwhile relationships - - for that matter, are all about: how we put up with each other no matter what. In this chapter, I found myself, and my kiddos. Do you think I was Jefferson Bear, or Figgy Twosocks? You'll have to read the book, and find out for yourselves, who you most identify with. I have a feeling most parents will identify with the same character as I identified with. Figgy Twosocks gets a little hyper, as most children do, and disturbs Jefferson Bear from his slumber. Jefferson Bear is, well, a bear, about Figgy Twosocks interrupting his sleep. Poor Figgy Twosocks decides to leave Jefferson Bear along FOR GOOD, his heart is so broken. When Jefferson Bear awakes, he can't find his sweet little friend. Where could she have gone? Do you think Jefferson Bear finds her? You'll have to get this book and read it for yourself.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Sally Grindey is the award-winning author of over a dozen picture books including Shhh! (Andersen), winner of the UK's Children's Book Award, I Don't Want To (Little, Brown), and Wake Up Dad (Doubleday). Her novel Spilled Water won the 2004 Smarties Prize. Her titles for Kingfisher include The Kingfisher Book of Magical Tales. Penny Dann has over thirty children's stories to her name, including The Secret Fairy Handbook (Orchard). For Kingfisher she has illustrated the highly successful picture books What Are Friends For?, What Will I do Without You?, and Will You Forgive Me?

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蓉妈: 不错 2016/3/9 21:36:00
本书是章节书,共有两章:1、What Are Friends For.2、What Will I Do Without You.本书的单词比较多,内容很有趣,本书讲述了大熊和小狐狸是好朋友,他们一块玩耍一块分享。当大熊去冬眠了,小狐狸非常想念它的朋友,并堆了一个像大熊的雪人。当春天到来时,他们又相聚了。
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