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A Horse to Love: An Enchanted Stables Story  有书评 有内页照片
Series: Disney Princess 
Category: Fiction - Tales  Girls  Tie-in 

ISBN: 9780736425049  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Disney Princess :  迪斯尼的公主系列,是每个4-10岁女孩子的最爱。白雪公主、灰姑娘、美人鱼、睡美人、青蛙王子...,包含各种难度级别的,有的书还有各种公主的贴画

Overview / 简介:
The Disney princesses gallop away with their beloved horses in all-new adventures! Ride with Belle and Phillippe, Cinderella and Frou, and Snow White and Astor in an original storybook complete with a fuzzy cover and fuzzy stickers!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
At first glance this child's book is so obviously targeted to young girls that love princesses and horses -- and fuzzy stickers! -- that it is easy to miss its more subtle features. Girls can imagine the princesses having a wonderful life after their "happily-ever-after" movies end, as the story shows Belle, Cinderella and Snow White tending to their beloved horses and having fun with them. Belle fills Phillipe's stable with flowers, feeds him carrots and rides with him deep into the forest. Cinderella spends lots of time with Frou in the stable, has the Fairy Godmother turn his horseshoes into glass and competes with him in horse shows. Snow White feeds Astor apples, rides him into the forest to find Prince Charming's missing hat and puts a flower in his bridle. Looking a little deeper, however, you notice that each horse is drawn in the style from their particular movie. Cinderella's Frou is the most cartoonish, with big eyes and a smiling mouth. Snow White's Astor is the most realistic, with delicate lines and little caricature. Belle's Philippe has Frou's big eyes, but his mouth is more realistic. Also, the princesses' riding styles are true to their characters. While Cinderella and Snow White ride side-saddle in dresses, Belle wears pants and rides astride. Sure, she's wearing lovely gold riding pants, but still! A nice touch: when Cinderella competes in the horse show, her mouse friends cheer her on from the side grasses, while the prince, the king and the major domo do the same from the stands. Philippe's fur is fuzzy to the touch on the cover, as are the nine stickers inside.

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蓉妈: 非常不错的一本书 2013/2/25 8:56:00
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