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Thunder and Lightning  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Emmons, Katherine
Series: Disney Pixar Cars 
Category: Fiction - Action  Tie-in 

ISBN: 9780736423212  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Disney Pixar Cars :  Disneh 的赛车总动员,国内也有该系列动画片

Overview / 简介:
Disney/Pixar puts the pedal to the metal in their latest theatrical release presented by Disney, Cars! Lightning McQueen, the hot-shot rookie race car, is on his way to the race of a lifetime to claim the coveted Piston Cup. But McQueen hits a bump in the road along his journey. Find out if his dream of becoming a champion will come true in this action-filled storybook!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My almost 6yo loves to read this book to his 3yo sister, so its a fairly easy read (his reading level is at 7y0m). He loves to add animated voices to the words (ka-chow!). This can be a disappointing book at first to the kids, however. It ends at the end of the first race in the movie--about 15 min. in. Its probably a nice taste of the film to a kid who hasn't seen it yet--I'd liken it more to a commercial than the meaty story. Also, parents wanting to get to the moral of the story won't get it here--that's what the rest of the story is about which is not included in this book. It definitely leaves a hanging issue--Lightning McQueen is not yet humbled by his experiences and still hasn't learned that arrogance alone doesn't work. I suppose though, that might lead the reader and family to get to the movie to clear that up--or to buy another book that takes the story to the finish line--and therefore open up a good family discussion.

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菜农妈: 赛车总动员 - 爱车小男孩的选择 2010/12/23 14:18:00
赛车总动员是小菜农从2岁多开始疯狂着迷的一部迪斯尼动画片, 故事讲的是赛车手McQueen从骄傲自负到懂得团队合作的经历. 本书是故事的节选. 喜欢汽车并且看过"赛车总动员"动画片的小朋友可以选择读这本书.
0 顶.  
门铃: thunder always goes after lightening 2011/12/12 11:28:00
thunder always goes after lightening ,这是Mcqueen对King说的一句话,Mcqueen自称自己是lightening ,称King是thunder,永远都在他后面,多么豪气自负的一句话呀!这本书讲的是Mcqueen由于比赛中途不换轮胎,快要到终点的时候后轮的两个轮胎都掉了,后来与其他两个赛车手同时到达终点的故事。让麦昆头一次吃了一点苦头,这是这个赛车总动员的开头故事。熊猫不喜欢看Mcqueen掉轮胎,因为在他心中只希望自己的英雄争第一,每次和我玩赛车比赛的时候也总是要争第一名。
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