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Ziggy and the Black Dinosaurs #3:Shadows of Caesar's Creek
Author:   Draper, Sharon M. / Jesse Joshua Watson
Series: Ziggy and the Black Dinosaurs 
Category: Fiction - General 

ISBN: 9780689879135  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 128 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Ziggy and the Black Dinosaurs

Overview / 简介:
Grade 3-4-When their basketball court is vandalized, Ziggy and his three friends form the Black Dinosaurs to solve the mystery. Obviously intended to present positive role models and to create African American pride, the 11 short chapters are packed with black heritage. "Tuskeegee" and "Nigeria" become secret passwords, slave history is revealed by old Mr. Greene (who serves as the red herring), Jerome's grandmother furnishes African musical heritage, and Ziggy provides the Jamaican influence. Unfortunately, such grand designs often degenerate into didacticism resulting in characters who are too good to be true. And Mr. Greene, who is brusque with the boys almost to the point of rudeness at their initial encounter in the library, uncharacteristically becomes their great ally and confidant. And this after they frighten him terribly with a fake police raid! A minor flaw (but one that dinosaur experts will catch)-the apatasaurus is twice illustrated as a Tyrannosaurus rex. However, the plot moves quickly, Ziggy's character provides humor, and the situations will appeal to children. Simple vocabulary and large-print text are appropriate for reluctant readers.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
LOST! Ziggy and his Black Dinosaur pals are excited about their overnight camping trip to Caesar's Creek State Park -- it was named after an ex-slave who later became a Shawnee chief! Their camping counselor is descended from Caesar, and she fills the campers' imaginations with intriguing but sometimes spooky stories about her ancestor and Shawnee legends and traditions. So when Ziggy and his friends discover an old canoe in some bushes by the lake, they decide to sneak outside at night and test their courage like Shawnee youth in their manhood ceremonies. But Shawnee youth probably wouldn't have found themselves drifting in the middle of the lake with their paddles still on shore, or lost in the woods surrunded by strange noises. Could it be a bear? Or the ancient spirits of their counseor's tales?

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