畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Tillie and the Wall  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Lionni, Leo
Series: Leo Lionni 
Category: Fiction - Fables 

ISBN: 9780679813576  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 28 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Series / 所属系列:
Leo Lionni :  著名的儿童作家和绘画作家 Leo Lionni, 绘画非常有特色, 色彩很美。在美国有数量庞大的 Leo Lionni 粉丝群。

Overview / 简介:
Some mice take the wall for granted, never speaking of itin fact, never even seeing it. But for Tillie, a mouse who believes that the grass (and scenery) on the other side must be not only greener, but fantastic and beautiful, the lure of the wall proves impossible to ignore. When her glorious visions of the other side prove too much to bear, Tillie tunnels under. Her reception on the other side is a warm oneidentical mice to the ones left behind greet her, and then follow her back home. There, she is a hero, and forever after the mice pass freely back and forth from one side to the other. The mice will look familiar to readers of Lionni's other works, but this storylike all his othersnever falls to formula. His philosophical playfulness is in full force, and Tillie's visitation may be, after all, a circular one, with ambiguities to pore over and be delighted by. It's a journey worth repeating. Ages 3-7.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 2-- It is reassuring to be in the company of Lionni's mice again. These inquisitive, clever animal characters prove once more the value of the fable as storytelling device, especially when it is simply told and beautifully illustrated. Tillie, one of a band of mice, is confined, not unhappily, to a meadow behind a long, high wall. Although there is companionship and plenty to eat, Tillie longs to discover the unknown world beyond the wall. In her reveries she creates an imaginary place peopled with fantastic creatures, giving Lionni an opportunity to display his coloristic artistry. It takes all of Tillie's determination and resourcefulness to overcome the complacency of her companions and eventually to find a way to the other side of the wall. The fact that Tillie is the youngest mouse, and a female, lends substance to the message that strength of character and leadership qualities will surface when a challenge arises. The simplicity of line and shape in the full-color collage illustrations enhance the mood of the text. This integration of art and prose, and the message that both convey, provide children with a superior picture book that can be enjoyed on several levels. Invite Tillie and her friends to join other Lionni favorites on the picture book shelves. As with Lionni's other books, this one should be a perennial favorite for primary grade story hours.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
It's amazing how one can forget how really good a child's book can be written, until you read a truly great book. Leo Lionni is a great writer of children's books and this is a great book. You too, could be the mouse who dreams beyond the wall and discovers what is on the other side.

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菜农妈: 好奇的小田鼠 2011/2/22 16:18:00
小田鼠Tillie总想知道高墙的另一端是什么样的,在他的想象中那边是个七彩的世界.经过千辛万苦Tillie终于到了另一端,迎接它的是一群和他同样的小田鼠!! Tillie受到了田鼠兄弟们的热烈欢迎, 它又带新朋友们回到高墙这边和大家一起玩.
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可可妈: 究竟是怎样一堵墙呢? 2011/2/23 16:52:00
小老鼠Tillie 一直和其它老鼠在墙的这一边忙着自己的事,谁也没去想墙的另一边究竟是啥样,有一天晚上,其它老鼠都睡着了,但小老鼠Tillie 睡不着,她很想知道墙的另一边究竟有没有奇怪的动物或植物呢?她开始想办法了,先拿了一根很锈的长铁棒凿洞,但累了一上午,一个凹槽都没凿开,墙很坚硬。无奈小老鼠Tillie想啊,墙总是有尽头的啊,我们沿着墙走,一定能走到墙的尽头,看到墙的另一边究竟是啥样。于是小老鼠Tillie沿着墙开始走,走啊走啊,走了无数个小时,仍然没看到墙的尽头,好象墙是没有尽头的啊?又有一天离墙不远,小老鼠Tillie看到一只蠕虫在挖地道,她想我为什么不能挖一条地道通到墙的另一边呢?说干就干,她终于挖了一条道,出了地面,她感觉地面上景象有点似曾相识的感觉,但
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遥遥 6岁深圳: 执着的Tillie 2012/11/22 10:15:00
老鼠们的家附近有一堵墙, 但是从来没有人注意到这堵墙, 也没有人像知道墙的那边是什么,直到Tillie。 她和她的朋友想了许多办法都无法到墙的那边, 直到看到一个worm 从地下穿过, 她得到了灵感, 终于到了墙的那边,把那边的朋友带到了墙的这边, 两边的朋友都很高兴。 感觉看绘本不只可以让女儿的英文水平在潜移默化中慢慢提高, 对我也很有帮助。 在读绘本的过程中增长了见识和解决孩子困难的办法。
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