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You want women to vote, Lizzie Stanton?
Author:   Fritz, Jean / DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan
Category: Nonfiction - Social  History 

ISBN: 9780590998222  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 96 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,First Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
Who says women shouldn't speak in public? And why can't they vote? These are questions Elizabeth Cady Stanton grew up asking herself. Her father believed that girls didn't count as much as boys, and her own husband once got so embarrassed when she spoke at a convention that he left town. Luckily Lizzie wasn't one to let society stop her from fighting for equality for everyone. And though she didn't live long enough to see women get to vote, our entire country benefited from her fight for women's rights. "Fritz?imparts not just a sense of Stanton's accomplishments but a picture of the greater society Stanton strove to change?.Highly entertaining and enlightening." — Publishers Weekly (starred review) "This objective depiction of AStanton's? life and times?makes readers feel invested in her struggle." — School Library Journal (starred review) "An accessible, fascinating portrait."

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Fritz maintains her reputation for fresh and lively historical writing with this biography of the 19th-century American feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902), imparting to her readers not just a sense of Stanton's accomplishments but a picture of the greater society Stanton strove to change. Stanton is first introduced in girlhood, mastering task after task in a futile effort to prove to her father that she was "just as good as any boy." Brightly told anecdotes tell of the adult Stanton's excitement in rousing audiences to concern for women's rights; Fritz sets the background by outlining the prevailing social sanctions against women speaking in public. She explores Stanton's responsibilities in raising seven children; her unconventional marriage; her long collaboration with Susan B. Anthony; her attempts to cope with dissension within the women's rights movement. Throughout, the author stresses Stanton's pluck and verve, quoting Stanton's sharp comebacks to "apple-headed" men or showing Stanton during the statewide celebration of her 80th birthday, using the attention to excoriate the church for its backwardness ("Susan must have groaned," Fritz conjectures). Highly entertaining and enlightening. Ages 10-14.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Jean Fritz does a remarkable job engaging the reader in the compelling tale of one woman's life... a woman who is often overshadowed in the popular culture. Today's young girls will benefit in learning how much women of the past were much like they were AND had much fewer benefits AND how much they worked, created and moved their way towards their desired end result which we all benefit from today. Fritz' tone is amusing and highly readible while covering the important facts at hand as well. I am looking forward to having my daughter read this book so she can get to "know" Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
"The question I am most often asked," Jean Fritz says, "is how do I find my ideas? The answer is: I don't. Ideas find me. A character in history will suddenly step right out of the past and demand a book. Generally people don't bother to speak to me unless there's a good chance that I'll take them on." Throughout almost four decades of writing about history, Jean Fritz has taken on plenty of people, starting with George Washington in The Cabin Faced West (1958). Since then, her refreshingly informal historical biographies for children have been widely acclaimed as "unconventional," "good-humored," "witty," "irrepressible," and "extraordinary."In her role as biographer, Jean Fritz attempts to uncover the adventures and personalities behind each character she researches. "Once my character and I have reached an understanding," she explains, "then I begin the detective work--reading old books, old letters, old newspapers, and visiting the places where my subject lived. Often I turn up surprises and of course I pass these on." It is her penchant for making distant historical figures seem real that brings the characters to life and makes the biographies entertaining, informative, and filled with natural child appeal.An original and lively thinker, as well as an inspiration to children and adults, Jean Fritz is undeniably a master of her craft. She was awarded the Regina Medal by the Catholic Library Association, presented with the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award by the American Library Association for her "substantial and lasting contribution to children's literature," and honored with the Knickerbocker Award for Juvenile Literature, which was presented by the New York State Library Association for her body of work.

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