畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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A Birthday Basket for Tia
Author:   Mora, Pat
Category: Fiction - Celebrations 

ISBN: 9780590477581  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
The young narrator of this poignant picture book discovers that the best gifts are not always store-bought. Cecilia is stumped when it comes to getting a present for her great aunt's 90th birthday. She finally settles on filling a basket with reminders of all the good times Tia and she have shared. A mixing bowl recalls days spent baking cookies; a teacup holds memories of the special brew Tia prepares when Cecilia is sick. The thoughtful present is a hit when Tia unveils it at her surprise party. Mora's text flows smoothly from one event to the next, and clearly presents the careful planning behind Cecilia's gift-gathering mission. Repetition of the items inside the basket and the occasional use of Spanish words are helpful reinforcements for young readers. Two cavils: Mora's text tends to go on a bit too long, and the many asides Cecilia addresses to her cat Chica become somewhat intrusive as the story progresses. Lang's cut-paper illustrations provide a vivid picture of a diverse and dynamic Mexican American family. Warm brown skin tones contrast nicely with bold reds, blues and oranges to lend additional Latin flavor. Ages 2-6.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
In the late Fall of 1992, I read A BIRTHDAY BASKET FOR TIA (Macmillan) by Pat Mora. (I received it as a gift from a special friend and mentor.) I had never read a children's book written by a Mexican American author, so I read it with anticipation. At the same time, I questioned my reading experience, because I had never read a picture book with cutlural relevance and by a person who identified with my ethnic group. Why hadn't anyone offered such children's books to me when I was a young boy coming of age in Magnolia Park, the East side barrio of Houston, Texas? Nevertheless, I hugged the book and read it again and again in the company of other young(er) Latinas and Latinos in Houston and San Antonio public schools. Who would have thought? Since then, I have shared the book in English and Spanish, too, with readers of all ages and colors and educators at all instructional levels. So many readers--of all ages and colors--have met the young girl named Cecilia, her loving aunt, and the silly cat named Chica. An advocate for children, family literacy, and multilingualism, Pat Mora's picture books continue to share the written word and celebrate the narratives of many Latinas and Latinos living in the United States. Muchisimas gracias, Pat Mora.

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