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The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids -Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips
Author:   Dadey, Debbie
Series: Bailey School Kids 
Category: Fiction - Action 

ISBN: 9780590458542  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 70 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,First Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Bailey School Kids

Overview / 简介:
When spooky things begin to happen at Aunt Matilda's house--including unexplained whistling and snoring--Eddie begins to suspect that his aunt's house is haunted.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Unusual occurrences are becoming...well, *usual* in and around Bailey School. The third grade has a vampire for a teacher. A werewolf is the local camp counselor, and even Santa Claus has put in an appearance as the elementary school's custodian. So, should it really be ALL that odd to find a potato chip-munching ghost at Aunt Matilda's house?? Eddie & the gang are back in this, the 5th installment of the Bailey School Kids series. This time Eddie's old Aunt Matilda is at home sick and Eddie's mom has sent him over to tend to her. In addition to being a very grumpy, demanding old woman, her house appears to be haunted! Weird noises come from the creaky old attic, food left lying out is mysteriously eaten though no one is around, Aunt M. herself talks to her dead husband, potato chips fall to the ground and spell out mysterious words... Just what IS going on around here?? IS there a ghost in the attic?? Unlike the other Bailey School Kids books where the supernatural creature has a main role (vampire as teacher, leprechaun as basketball coach, etc), the ghost is not one of the main characters and seems to occupy the fringe of the story. This adds a note of realism to this series and makes it much more like a traditional ghost story (that is, creepy!). While not as outright scary as other books in the intermediate horror/spooky genre, "Ghosts Don't..." is a departure from the more-amusing-than-scary books preceding this one. I still wouldn't classify it as "horror" fiction, because while it does get creepy sometimes, it's hardly horrifying. It's an easy read and catchy series. As an adult, I can finish off a Bailey School Kids book in about 20 minutes and have found myself working my way steadily through the series (reviewing most along the way). They're fun and quick, and hence even children and students who don't usually read find themselves easily reading them cover-to-cover.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
DEBBIE DADEY and MARCIA THORNTON JONES came up with the idea for The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids when they both worked at a school in Lexington, Kentucky. Today Debbie and her family live in Fort Collins, Colorado. Marcia and her husband still live in Kentucky.

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