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Summer Ball
Author:   Lupica, Mike
Category: Fiction - Social  Sports 

ISBN: 9780545109055  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 272 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 6.95
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
The sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller Travel Team!

When you ?re the smallest kid playing a big man?s game, the challenges never stop?especially when your name is Danny Walker. Leading your travel team to the national championship may seem like a dream come true, but for Danny, being at the top just means the competition tries that much harder to knock him off. Now Danny?s heading to Right Way basketball camp for the summer, and he knows that with the country?s best players in attendance, he?s going to need to take his game up a notch if he wants to match up. But it won?t be easy. Old rivals and new battles leave Danny wondering if he really does have what it takes to stand tall.

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From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 5–8—This novel continues the story of Danny Walker, the basketball-obsessed hero of Travel Team (Philomel, 2004). In the interval between the two books, the 13-year-old and his friends went on to win the travel-team championship. Now that they are heading off to summer basketball camp, Danny is feeling the pressure of being number one. He plays as well as ever, but he's still the smallest boy on the court and anxiously hoping for a growth spurt. As the story begins, things quickly go wrong for him. He fights with his girlfriend before he leaves; at camp, he's separated from his friends and assigned a berth in the younger boys' cabin. There are many familiar elements and few surprises here, yet Lupica breathes life into both characters and story. Danny is a classic sports-story underdog, but he's also sympathetic and engaging. He is surrounded by a cast of supporting characters who add humor and whose interactions ring true. When Danny befriends Zach, who is a younger version of himself, readers see the protagonist grow in empathy and self-awareness. Sports fans will relish the on-court action, expertly rendered in Lupica's taut prose. This worthy sequel to Travel Team should earn a wide audience.—Marilyn Taniguchi, Beverly Hills Public Library, CA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I am writing on behalf of my 10 year old son who has read everyone of Mr. Lupica's books...and is his #1 fan. When we picked up his newest book - the sequel to the already amazing Travel Team - my son could barely wait to read it! To say I had to literally tear the book from him so he'd sleep is not a lie. He literally finished the book in 3 days and could not wait to tell me all about it. He now bugs me to read his books - and I definitely will since my husband also is a big fan. Mr. Lupica's book speaks to all ages - everyone can relate to them - even if you are remembering from your past - or experiencing something like it right now. Keep writing - you are a master storyteller for both the young and young at heart.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Mike Lupica is one of the most prominent sports writers in America. His longevity at the top of his field is based on his experience and insider's knowledge, coupled with a provocative presentation that takes an uncompromising look at the tumultuous world of professional sports. Today he is a syndicated columnist for the New York Daily News, which includes his popular "Shooting from the Lip" column, which appears every Sunday. He began his newspaper career covering the New York Knicks for the New York Post at age 23. He became the youngest columnist ever at a New York paper with the New York Daily News, which he joined in 1977. For more than 30 years, Lupica has added magazines, novels, sports biographies, other non-fiction books on sports, as well as television to his professional resume. For the past fifteen years, he has been a TV anchor for ESPN's The Sports Reporters. He also hosted his own program, The Mike Lupica Show on ESPN2. In 1987, Lupica launched "The Sporting Life" column in Esquire magazine. He has published articles in other magazines, including Sport, World Tennis, Tennis, Golf Digest, Playboy, Sports Illustrated, ESPN: The Magazine, Men's Journal and Parade. He has received numerous honors, including the 2003 Jim Murray Award from the National Football Foundation. Mike Lupica co-wrote autobiographies with Reggie Jackson and Bill Parcells, collaborated with noted author

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