畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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The diamond castle  有书评
Author:   Penney, Shannon / Ulkutay Design Group Allan Choi
Series: Barbie 
Category: Fiction - Girls  Tales 

ISBN: 9780545081207  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 94 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Barbie :  芭比系列,迪斯尼的可以媲美其公主系列的又一个小女孩的最爱系列

Overview / 简介:
Far away, in a land of music and magic, live two beautiful girls. Liana and Alexa are best friends who share everything-especially their love of singing. One day, while walking through the forest, the girls find a magical mirror. As they clean the mirror and sing, something amazing happens! A girl named Melody appears in the mirror's surface. Melody tells the girls about the secret of the Diamond Castle. The Diamond Castle, Melody explains, is the home of all music, where three musical muses once resided-until one evil muse, Lydia, tried to take the castle for herself.
In an act of safekeeping the other two muses entrusted the key of the Diamond Castle to Melody. And to keep the key safe from Lydia, Melody hid herself in the mirror. But now she can't get out. She needs Liana's and Alexa's help to free her from the mirror and to save the Diamond Castle. The two girls begin a journey that will take them far away from their homes. Along their way they make new friends-and foes. But will the power of friendship prevail?

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lucylily: 芭比之钻石城堡 2011/1/10 13:08:00
在很远的地方,一片有着音乐与魔法的土地,住着两个漂亮的女孩。丽安娜和爱丽莎(芭比和特丽莎)。她们是会分享一切的最好的朋友,特别是她们对歌唱的喜爱。有一天,当她们穿过森林时,她们发现了一面魔法镜子。当她们清洗镜子并唱歌时,神奇的事情发生了!一个叫美洛蒂的女孩出现在镜子的表面。美洛蒂告诉了她们钻石城堡的秘密。钻石城堡,美洛蒂解释说,是所有音乐的家,三个音乐缪丝永久居住的地方。直到一个邪恶的缪丝丽迪亚,企图将钻石城堡据为己有。 另外两个缪丝将钻石城堡的钥匙托付给了美洛蒂来保管。之后,为了保护钥匙的安全,美洛蒂把自己藏进镜子里。但现在她出不去了。她需要丽安娜和爱丽莎的帮助把她从镜子里放出来,然后去解救钻石城堡。于是两个女孩开始了旅程——离开家很远的旅程。在路上,她们结识了新的朋友和敌人。友谊的力量能不能战胜邪恶呢?
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