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The Lost Colony
Author:   Colfer, Eoin
Category: Fiction - General 

ISBN: 9780545007993  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 400 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 7.95
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
12-year-old boy genius Artemis Fowl has the astuteness of Sherlock Holmes, the cool of James Bond, and the attitude of Attila the Hun. Thrilling storytelling with plenty of attitude!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Rating: four and half stars. Averaging one a year, Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl series is no rush-job, I am increasingly enjoying and looking forward to every entry more than the Harry Potter series. Colfer's magical world just seems more accessible and imaginative. And he is constantly changing the type of story rather than just another labored part of a single massive arc. Slightly longer this time around, the book has Artemis tracking demon activity on the time-displaced island of Hybras. The time spell which keeps Hybras stuck in oblivion is beginning to unravel and Artemis is busy investigating how to fix it when a 12-year-old French female rival (and love interest) kidnaps an insecure, classically educated demon, just as he manifests on Earth, right under Artemis' nose. Not knowing what trouble she has started, Artemis must break into her chatau, travel to Taiwan and match wits with her psychotic security in the Taipei 101 Tower to get the demon back before travelling to Hybras to fix the time spell with Captain Holly in tow. I especially like the relationship between Artemis and Holly. Once enemies but now close friends. And the ending, not only including an imaginative and pretty damn cool twist, in which they become a part of each other forever (not giving anything away) was a nice touch. As usual it's packed with ultra-technology that always seems realistic now matter how far-fetched, the typical amount of globe-trotting and the right amount of humor. Artemis Fowl is definitely the best fantasy boy-hero. Harry Who?

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Eoin Colfer (pronounced Owen) is the New York Times best-selling author of the blockbuster Artemis Fowl series as well as Airman; Half Moon Investigations; The Supernaturalist; Eoin Colfer's Legend of... books; The Wish List; Benny and Omar; and Benny and Babe. He was born in Wexford on the southeast coast of Ireland in 1965, where he and his four brothers were brought up by his father (an elementary school teacher, historian and artist of note) and mother (a drama teacher). He first developed an interest in writing in primary (elementary) school with gripping Viking stories inspired by history that he was learning in school at the time. Eoin got his degree from Dublin University and qualified as a primary school teacher, returning to work in Wexford. He married in 1991 and he and his wife spent about 4 years between 1992 and 1996 working in Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Italy. His first book, Benny and Omar, was published in 1998, based on his experiences in Tunisia; it has since been translated into many languages; a sequel followed in 1999. In 2001, the first Artemis Fowl book was published worldwide to much success - shortly thereafter he left teaching to concentrate fully on his writing. To this day, Eoin has written 6 Artemis Fowl books which have sold over 12 million copies worldwide.

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