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Nina, Nina Ballerina (All Aboard Reading)  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   O'Connor, Jane / DyAnne Disalvo
Series: All Aboard Reading 
Category: Level Reading-2  Fiction - Action  Girls 

ISBN: 9780448405117  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
All Aboard Reading :  系列中的每一本都是知名的儿童书作者,故事充满想象力、既让孩子们捧腹大笑、又能引起共鸣(Excite their imagination, expand their interests, make them laugh, and support their feelings).

Overview / 简介:
All the practice in the world can't turn Nina, a less-than-prima ballerina, into a ballet star, But she's a real standout at her first dance recital when she dances the role of a betterfly--with her arm in a cast!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
By coincidence, my daughter was taking this book everywhere when she broke her own arm. She'd learned to read it about 2 weeks before her own fall in the park (just like Nina without the ballet moves!). Ms. O'Connor and Ms. Disalvo-Ryan include enough small incidental details about fractures to make the whole process of "arm-repair" unthreatening to my small child. Xrays, cast, Nina in pain in the park and on the examination table all comforted my daughter during her ordeal. And those incidental details never detract from the whole finely told and entertaining tale. As in all 3 of the Nina books, the emotions of the heroine (feelings common to most young children) are finely illustrated and carefully explored and resolved. Thank you Jane and Dyanne!

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xiaovanessa: 女儿最感兴趣的主题 2012/9/18 13:59:00
主题与芭蕾有关,书中的小女孩虽然芭蕾跳得不是最好,但她认真投入,甚至忘我.书中的结局出人意料.5岁女儿刚拿到书时只看了图,看得比别的主题的书要仔细很多。但我还没觉得她对这书有很高的热情。过了几天,孩子主动要求看这本书,关注人物的表情,发现很多我都没注意的细节,比如Nina涂了指甲油,摔伤时,旁边的孩子就是和Nina一起练芭蕾的高个Neth,Neth很关心Nina。慢慢地Lyn接受了书中的文字,每天晚上都要听我念一遍。听到Broken, 就说好怕好怕。叫我不要念,要是我哪天念了,她会要求我去掉Broken重新念一遍。
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