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Jade Green: A Ghost Story
Author:   Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Category: Fiction - Horror 

ISBN: 9780439934183  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 176 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
Orphaned 15-year-old Judith moves to her uncle's house, where she's forbidden to bring anything green. Has one secret object awoken a ghost? "A satisfying spine-tingler."—Publishers Weekly

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Rating: four and half stars. Jade Green: A Ghost Story is another good book by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, and it's a great ghost story! 15 year old Judith's parents have both died, her mother in the madhouse, so she goes to live with her uncle. He said one strange thing, however - not to bring anything green. She can't part with a small, green silk frame that her mother gave her, however, so she takes it secretly. Soon after Judith reaches her new home, strange things begin to happen - she hears of a girl, Jade Green, who died by her own hand in the same house, 3 years ago. Terrifying things begin to happen, and she doesn't know what to do! A romance with the boy next door, a new job, and avoiding her threatening, grown cousin, complicates things further, and she wonders if things will ever be all right. This was a great book, with an exciting plot, well developed characters, and things that were truly scary! I'd recommend this for ages 12 and up.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Biography I guess I've been writing for about as long as I can remember. Telling stories, anyway, if not writing them down. I had my first short story published when I was sixteen, and wrote stories to help put myself through college, planning to become a clinical psychologist. By the time I graduated with a BA degree, however, I decided that writing was really my first love, so I gave up plans for graduate school and began writing full time. I'm not happy unless I spend some time writing every day. It's as though pressure builds up inside me, and writing even a little helps to release it. On a hard-writing day, I write about six hours. Tending to other writing business, answering mail, and just thinking about a book takes another four hours. I spend from three months to a year on a children's book, depending on how well I know the characters before I begin and how much research I need to do. A novel for adults, because it's longer, takes a year or more. When my work is going well, I wake early in the mornings, hoping it's time to get up. When the writing is hard and the words are flat, I'm not very pleasant to be around. Getting an idea for a book is the easy part. Keeping other ideas away while I'm working on one story is what's difficult. My books are based on things that have happened to me, things I have heard or read about, all mixed up with imaginings. The best part about writing is the moment a character comes alive on paper, or when a place that existed only in my head becomes real. There are no bands playing at this moment, no audience applauding--a very solitary time, actually--but it's what I like most. I've now had more than 120 books published, and about 2000 short stories, articles and poems. I live in Bethesda, Maryland, with my husband, Rex, a speech pathologist, who's the first person to read my manuscripts when they're finished. Our sons, Jeff and Michael, are grown now, but along with their wives and children, we often enjoy vacations together in the mountains or at the ocean. When I'm not writing, I like to hike, swim, play the piano and attend the theater. I'm lucky to have my family, because they have contributed a great deal to my books. But I'm also lucky to have the troop of noisy, chattering characters who travel with me inside my head. As long as they are poking, prodding, demanding a place in a book, I have things to do and stories to tell.

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