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101 Ways101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher
Author:   Wardlaw, Lee
Category: Fiction - Social  Personality 

ISBN: 9780439791069  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 208 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
A fast paced humorous advenure, a delightful read about a Junior High boy who wants to stay behind an not be promoted ahead of his class. He will do anything to get under his teachers skin

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
If you would like to bug your teacher, then 101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher by Lee Wardlaw is the book for you. A boy named Steve "Sneeze" Wyatt is a great inventor. So his parents want to send him to Patrick Henry High School, but he does not want to leave his friends at Jefferson Middle School with Ms. "Fierce" Pierce. Also, his friend Hailey has lost her mother and her dad is looking for someone else, but she doesn't want Ms. "Fierce" Pierce as a replacement. Will Sneeze go to Patrick Henry or stay at middle school? Will the relationship workout between Hailey's dad and Ms. "Fierce" Pierce? You will just have to read 101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher. We recommend this book to all people who want to be mischievous in class. This book is fast-paced and a humorous adventure. A delightful book to read. We give this book 5 stars!!!!!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Lee Wardlaw makes time: She's the author of numerous books for young readers, including the award-winning novels 101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher and 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents. But where does Lee get the ideas for so many books? "From my own life," Lee says. "Corey's Fire is based on my family's experiences after our house and neighborhood were destroyed in a California wildfire. Dinosaur Pizza was inspired by my childhood love of bologna/mustard/potato-chip sandwiches. I wrote the folk tale picture book Punia and the King of Sharks because I admire Hawaii's rich history of hula storytelling. And my years of experience as a daughter, student, parent and classroom teacher gave me loads of creative material for my 'Bugging' series!" Lee grew up in Santa Barbara, CA, where she attended Cold Spring Elementary, Santa Barbara Junior High and Santa Barbara High school. She graduated with honors from Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, with a degree in education, and taught elementary school for five years before deciding to write full-time. Lee has 30+ years experience presenting lively and interactive writing programs in grades K through 8th. Since 1988, Lee has also taught a variety of workshops and classes for educators, librarians, parents and aspiring writers. For several years, she was the 'Ask the Children's Book Author' columnist for Inklings, an online magazine. Lee's books have been honored by the American Library Association, the International Reading Association, Children's Book Council, National Council of the Social Studies, National Council of Teachers of English, Bank Street College of Education, the International School Librarians Association, and more. She has also won 7 state reader's choice awards. Lee is an active member of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators, and belongs to the Author's Guild, California Reading Association, Children's Literature Council of Southern California and, yes, even the Cat Writers' Association. Upcoming releases include: Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku (Holt, 2010), 101 Ways to Bug Your Friends & Enemies (Dial, 2011) and Red, White & Boom! (Holt, 2011). Lee is currently enrolled in Loyola College of Maryland and the Montessori Institute of San Diego, working on her master's degree in Education. She lives in Santa Barbara, CA, with her husband, teenage son, and three (ornery) cats.

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