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 Book Details...

Can I Be Your Dog?
Author:   Troy Cummings
Category: Fiction - Pet  Social  Citizenship  General 

ISBN: 9780399554520  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
This picture book shares the tale of Arfy, a homeless mutt who lives in a box in an alley. Arfy writes to every person on Butternut Street about what a great pet he'd make. His letters to prospective owners share that he's house broken! He has his own squeaky bone! He can learn to live with cats! But, no one wants him. Won't anyone open their heart--and home--to a lonesome dog?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreS-Gr 2—Arfy, a floppy-eared mutt on Butternut Street, is on a mission to find his forever home. He writes a letter listing all of his admirable attributes (he is potty trained and has his own squeaky toy) to the people in the yellow house. The mail lady delivers Arfy's letter. Unfortunately, the people turn him down. Arfy keeps trying, writing more letters delivered by the mail lady. All write him back and decline his offer. Feeling sad and dejected, Arfy cries himself to sleep in his soggy box. When he wakes he finds a letter from the mail lady asking to be Arfy's person. Arfy, full of glee, sprints to the mail lady with his reply letter. Vibrantly colored digital illustrations, with no white space, captivate readers from the first page. Loosely placed shapes and textures artfully create Butternut Street. The story is told in illustrated, personalized letters. Arfy's are written in crayon and signed with a paw print. Readers will be cheer Arfy on and feel relief when he finds a person to love. The last page lists ways readers can help a homeless animal. VERDICT No bones about it; this humorous picture book will be a hit with storytime audiences and emergent readers.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
If you are looking for a story full of humor and a message of perseverance, hit "Buy It Now". My family has been a fan of Troy's since he visited my son's school last year. REWIND: When I heard Troy Cummings was coming to my son's school, I checked out his "stuff". It didn't take long for me to realize "Dang, this guy is good!" The better children's writers do not write down to their audience, they tell stories that a child will find something in at every level & discover something different each time they read it. We read this for the first time a few nights ago & upon a reread last night, both my sons were pointing out different things. As an adult, Troy's work feels timeless. His artwork reminds me of the old Hanna-Barbera cartoons, so clean and full of joy that you can't help but smile as you read it. The message: This book can be read as a simple A-Z story, but, it's even better when you use it to create a dialog with your child/children. We were able to talk about reacting to your environment, never giving up, why we help others and treating everyone with respect and dignity. At the end of the day, it is a wonderful little story. If you get it now, you can brag to all the other parents how you "discovered" it before it won a Caldecott Medal...

About the Author / 作者介绍:
TROY CUMMINGS has written and illustrated a pile of picture books, including The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out! (Big-Time!), Little Red Gliding Hood (written by Tara Lazar), and The Notebook of Doom chapter book series. In addition to books, Troy's illustrations have appeared on: * Animated backdrops for an opera * A package of fish sticks * Jigsaw puzzles * iPad pop-up books * A poster warning people about germs * A poster warning people about a film festival * A cookbook for dogs * A thing for the humane society * A card game about hiking * Newspapers, magazines and greeting cards He lives in Greencastle, Indiana with his wife and kids. Dig up more of Troy's work at www.troycummings.net.

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