畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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The Shoe Fits
Author:   Soto, Gary / Terry Widener
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Short 

ISBN: 9780399234200  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
Rigo doesn't like being the youngest brother. He always has to wear his big brothers' hand-me-downs. Plus, his brothers-Hector, Manuel, and Carlos-always seem to lose buttons, rip holes, and wear the clothes out before they get to Rigo! But Rigo's luck changes on his birthday when his mom gives him a pair of shoes. He loves them for their shine and style, but most of all he loves them because they are brand-new. After he outgrows the shoes, and trades them to his uncle for old Mexican centavos, Rigo learns that some hand-me-downs are better than brand-new.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Soto (Too Many Tamales; Baseball in April) sizes up the eponymous adage just right in this picture-book peek at a large Mexican-American family. As the youngest son in a household of growing kids, Rigo often gets stuck wearing frayed and ill-fitting hand-me-downs. So he's especially thrilled to receive a pair of brand-new penny loafers for his ninth birthday. But when a neighborhood tough makes fun of Rigo's fancy footwear, Rigo hides the loafers away. However, when Rigo needs to wear the shoes a few months later, they no longer fit him. The situation presents Rigo with an opportunity to see hand-me-downs with new eyes when he thoughtfully presents the almost-new loafers to his uncle, who can make good use of them. A realistic, consistently sensitive undercurrent of emotion runs throughout this swift-moving tale, so that it delivers its message with seeming spontaneity. Careful details help develop Rigo as a strong, intriguing character. Widener's (The Babe and I) highly stylized paintings combine creamy color tones and dynamic shapes. The buoyancy of the art, like the intimacy of the prose, enhances the story's liveliness. Ages 5-up.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I liked this story because I learned a lot of things. For example, I learned that hand-me-downs can be cool.

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