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Miss Nelson Is Missing!  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Allard, Harry / James Marshall
Category: Fiction - Humorous  School 

ISBN: 9780395401460  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
The kids in Room 207 take advantage of their teacher's good nature until she disappears and they are faced with a substitute.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
"Rarely has the golden rule been so effectively interpreted for children." -- Review

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
As I mentioned in my review of "Stinky Cheeseman and Other Fairly Stupid Tales," I am taking a Children's Lit class in college, which requires me to read a lot of children's books. So, this is a great excuse for me to write more reviews. If you want to make fun of me for liking these books, so be it. I could care less. "Miss Nelson is Missing" was always a childhood favorite for me. One of my first picture books I ever read, I think. I even remember that my copy came with a record that you could listen along to as you read. Wow, does that bring back memories. I picked this up a few days ago, and found myself enjoying it as much as I did when I was little, if not more. This is a book about a sweet and nice teacher who has one of the most terrible classes ever. Everyone is mean and nobody ever listens to her. Miss Nelson knows that something has to be done. One day, when she doesn't arrive to class, the children are so happy. They think they have driven her away forever. They are all smiles and grins.....until.... They meet Miss. Viola Swamp, an ugly and mean teacher dressed in black and white makeup. She puts them to work, yells at them, and makes them do tons and TONS of homework. Desperate and worried, the children turn to a detective in order to solve the whereabouts of Miss Nelson. This book is incredible. Fun for all ages, especially the young ones. It's fun and gives a good moral lesson at the same time. It has great writing and very cool pictures. The reading level is pretty easy. Nothing too mind-bending behind it. I recommend "Miss Nelson is Missing!" to ANYONE! Yes, I don't care how old you are. You're never too old to enjoy a good children's book, and I'm starting to re-discover that. Check this one out whenever you can. And if you have kids, I can almost promise you that this will be a favorite.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Allard is the author of several hilarious books for children. He currently lives in Oaxaca, Mexio. James Marshall (1942-1992) created dozens of exuberant and captivating books for children, including The Stupids, Miss Nelson Is Missing!, and the ever-popular George and Martha books. Before creating his canon of classic, hilarious children's books, James Marshall played the viola, studied French, and received a master's degree from Trinity College. He also doodled. It was the doodles, and the unforgettable characters that emerged from them, that led him to his life's work as one of the finest creators of children's books of the twentieth century. In 2007, James Marshall was posthumously awarded the Laura Ingalls Wilder medal for his lasting contribution to literature for children.

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猴妈: 一个老师的计谋:) 2010/12/16 15:17:00
Miss Nelson是一位脾气非常好的老师,可她的学生们太调皮了,整天在教室里搞得是乌烟瘴气,连讲故事时也是乱糟糟的,Miss Nelson觉得这样可不行,可是有什么办法呢?
某一天,突然Miss Nelson 不见了,来了一个非常凶恶的Miss Swamp,她非常凶恶,布置的作业非常多,小朋友们越来越想你好脾气的Miss Nelson了,可是,她到底到哪里去了呢?

1 顶.  
风舞阳光: 女儿非常喜欢 2012/2/23 9:49:00
0 顶.  
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