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Hurry And The Monarch
Author:   Flatharta, Antoine O / Meilo So
Category: Fiction - Insect  History  Nature 

ISBN: 9780385737197  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 7.99
押 金: ¥80
逾期借阅费: ¥12/月


Overview / 简介:
When the beautiful orange Monarch on her fall migration route from Canada to Mexico stops to rest at Wichita Falls, Texas, she makes friends with an old tortoise called Hurry. She tells him, "Maybe one day you'll break out of that shell, grow wings, and fly away," and then she is off again with millions of other Monarchs. In the spring, she stops again at Hurry's garden just long enough to lay her eggs and head north to Canada. Embedded in this lyrical and tender fictional presentation are the fascinating facts about the amazing 2,000-mile migration and the life cycle of butterflies. An afterword provides additional scientific data.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 2-Hurry, a tortoise, exchanges quips with a monarch butterfly as she stops in Wichita Falls, TX, while migrating from Canada to Mexico. The encounter, told in the present tense, frames a simple, fairly straightforward account of the monarch's long journey and life cycle. The stay in Mexico gets brief coverage. The butterfly returns in the spring, lands on Hurry's shell, lays her eggs on nearby milkweed, and flies off for her final rest. The tortoise then watches the transformation of one of the new caterpillars as it grows, forms a chrysalis, and emerges as a new monarch. The writing includes some jocular dialogue but is sometimes awkward in construction. So's shimmering watercolors are quite lovely, melding a bit of humor, broad impressionistic strokes, and fairly realistic sketches of some monarchs and caterpillars. A general map serving as front and back end pages broadly indicates this monarch's journey. Texas and Wichita Falls are the only marked places, though the text also refers to Eagle Pass, the Rio Grande, and the towns of Sweetwater and Stillwater. A final two-page essay for adults adds more details on monarchs.-Margaret Bush, Simmons College, Boston

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I found this book in the public library when I was picking books to read with a grandchild. I liked it so much I ordered two copies. I live in Wichita Falls, Texas, which is mentioned in the book as a major stopping spot in the monarch migration to Mexico. Not every year but very often there are thousands of butterflies that cling to my mother's house and seem to drip from the trees near the backyard pond. They are amazing.

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