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The Ugly Guide to Being Alive and Staying That Way (Uglydolls)
Author:   Horvath, David / Sun-Min Kim
Series: Uglydolls 
Category: Fiction - Humorous 

ISBN: 9780375857027  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 64 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 5.99
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Series / 所属系列:

Overview / 简介:
Where are Uglys born? Where do they go to school? And what is Big Toe’s Eaty Feed Speeder? Whether you’re born in the Uglyverse or plan on moving there, you’ll need the Ugly Guide to Being Alive and Staying That Way to help you navigate life’s many Ugly shoals. Visit the Ugly Grade School Lunch-a-Munch Hut, stroll the Ugly College campus, and find out how to survive Ugly work—and even get paid for it!—in the third Ugly Guide from Uglydoll creators David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim. Featuring their original Ugly art style and trademark sense of humor, this will be a must-have for Uglydoll fans of all ages.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Everyone likes to be alive, right? Everyone likes to stay that way? Good! Having established that important fact, let's turn to David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim's Ugly Guide to Being Alive and Staying That Way. Don't be put off by the fact that this book and previous titles in the series are based on the Ugly Dolls--Horvath and Kim easily transfer the humor and good-hearted grotesquery of their doll creations into their books. And maybe I'm just an Ugly Doll acolyte, but even though the series is meant for younger readers, I really enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek advice for life, from birth to adulthood. After-college time is also known as "move-back-home" time. When it's time to buy a home, be aware that every house in the UglyVerse is haunted, "but not to worry. You'll probably get along fine with your special guest." In addition to the stages of life, topics like stress, fear, and "life's ugly mysteries" are also covered. The full-cover art is bright, cheery, and fun. Horvath and Kim's story is just as cheery--they met in design school, fell in love, created the Ugly Dolls, and thus far have lived happily ever after. The bottom line? The Ugly Guide to Being Alive is the kind of illustrative narrative you'll get a kick out of even as you're sharing it with your kids.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I bought this book because I liked the graphics, but when I actually start to read, I find it quite "contentless". They only made it to give you loads of drawings without telling you a story. However, if graphics is what you are looking for, you can find all the ugly dolls inside.

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