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Look at Lucy!
Author:   Cooper, Ilene / David Merrell
Category: Fiction - Animals 

ISBN: 9780375855580  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 102 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Overview / 简介:
Bobby is so proud of his puppy Lucy. She's a terrific friend, and a great dog. So when a local store has a pet contest, he happily enters Lucy in it. But it turns out the pet that wins the contest may be featured on TV—with its owner! Bobby is shy. He doesn't like attention. But can he face the spotlight . . . for Lucy?

The third story of a boy and beagle's friendship is perfect for young dog lovers!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2–4—Bobby Quinn got his beagle in Absolutely Lucy (Golden Bks., 2000). In this book, the eight-year-old is still dealing with fears of speaking in school and making friends, but having a puppy is helping him. When the local Pet-O-Rama store has a contest to choose the best "spokespet," Bobby decides to enter Lucy. After he learns that he has to give a speech as part of the competition, he must decide whether or not he can overcome his fear of public speaking. This beginning chapter book has realistic characters that readers can identify with and root for. Bobby's friends care about and want success for one another. The action and suspense will keep children engaged. The occasional drawings lend graphic support, and the cute puppy on the cover will attract animal lovers.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is Ilene Cooper's third book in her Lucy series, following #1 / Absolutely Lucy and #2 / Lucy on the Loose, all three part of the Stepping Stones series of easy chapter books. The book is about Bobby Quinn, a painfully shy boy, and his beagle pup, Lucy. Since Bobby's parents gave Lucy to him for his eighth birthday earlier in the summer, Lucy has helped Bobby make his first two friends and start to come out of his shell. The new friends, Shawn and Candy, are both new to the neighborhood and all three are waiting to see whether they'll be in the same classroom when school starts. The three children decide to enter their pets in a "spokespet" contest at the local pet store, and Lucy manages to win, earning her a year's worth of dog food and a chance to be in a commercial if she wins at the next level. Bobby is proud and excited for Lucy until he learns that he would also be expected to be in the commercial. The thought terrifies him, but he doesn't want Lucy to miss an opportunity for the spotlight. Further, when school starts, Bobby's teacher tells the class they will be giving oral reports in front of the class. Bobby has a lot of fears to deal with, but has a dog and two new friends to help him through it. The plot is somewhat similar to Because of Winn-Dixie, where the main character is lonely and has no friends until a pet dog helps her make new friends and become more outgoing. I've enjoyed reading this series, including this third book. At 102 pages, with large print and several illustrations, this book is longer than the 74-75 pages of the first two books, but still perfect for my lower fourth grade readers. The reading level, 2.8, is also higher than the 2.0 and 1.9 of the first two books. However, as young readers become more familiar with characters, storyline, etc., it tends to make the reading level easier for them. I can now file these three books together on my "limited series" shelf, filling a niche for my struggling readers. I'm sure the books will be much read and loved in the coming years. I would rate this book an 8 (solidly enjoyable, good quality) on a scale of 1-10.

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