畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Hooray for Thomas!  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Awdry, Rev. W.
Series: Thomas & Friends 
Category: Fiction - Tie-in  Transportation 

ISBN: 9780375828768  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Thomas & Friends :  英国儿童电视动画剧《火车头托马斯和伙伴们》诞生60年来,其电视动画剧不但是英国学龄前儿童节目的头名状元,也横扫北美,动画节目被翻译成45种语言。在美国,同样的初绘绘本、DVD外, 各种玩具、服装、儿童活动场所到处都是 Thomas 火车头的形象。 托马斯这一形象诞生于1945年英国艾屈莱牧师创作的小说《铁路系列故事》,1984年被制作成动画《火车头托马斯和朋友们》并陆续在185个国家地区播出。美国耶鲁大学教育学博士桃乐茜?辛格和哲学博士杰罗姆?辛格曾表示,低幼儿童发展时期若使用托马斯铁路系统玩具作为核心教育工具,可以满足主要智力开发的需求。

Overview / 简介:
Filled with gentle humor and lots of photos, here are three fun new stories straight from Thomas’ newest video. First, Thomas saves the day when the medals for the children’s Sports Day are left in the station. Next, Skarloey must help Sir Topham Hatt when he is carried off by a runaway balloon. And finally, Gordon wants nothing to do with the big engine decorating contest, but a large banner might alter his plans.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Some of the others are good, but this one is awful. It's as if they took the script from the show and just clipped random parts of it; the story is completely disjointed and impossible to follow (especially if your child has not seen these particular episodes). If you're looking to buy an inexpensive Thomas book for your child, try one of these instead:Thomas & Friends: Calling All Engines (Pictureback(R)) or Thomas & Friends: Down at the Docks (Pictureback(R)).

About the Author / 作者介绍:
In 1944, a country vicar, the Reverend W Awdry, wrote the stories he had been telling his two young sons about a group of engines with very recognizable personalities. In 1945, the first book featuring Thomas and the other Really Useful Engines was published, and in the 60 years since, the tales of these friendly engines have become beloved classics around the world.

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蓉妈: 好看 2015/6/19 20:42:00
托马斯的系列丛书之一,本书的单词量适中,人物表情丰富,本书的内容很有趣,本书一共有三个小故事:第一个:Hooray for Thomas,第二个:The Grand opening,第三个:Best Dressed Engine。
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