畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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What Happens On Wednesdays  有书评
Author:   Jenkins, Emily / Lauren Castillo
Category: Fiction - Action  Humorous  Bedtime 

ISBN: 9780374383039  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:
A preschooler marks the progress of her day, not by the clock but by what happens after lunch, after nap, after swimming, after the library Â- and after Daddy comes home. She doesn't map her neighborhood by street signs, either. Her morning walk to see dogs in the park takes her past the cat outside the deli, past her friend Errolyn's building and the daycare where she used to go when she was little, and down the block to the bagel store.

The sounds, tastes, smells, and sights of a multiethnic Brooklyn neighborhood, as seen through a child's eyes and captured with enchanting pictures by debut illustrator Lauren Castillo, will encourage children to make their own sensory maps and list the events in their daily schedules.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
An immensely charming book about everyday routines, especially nice for single children and families that live in urban environs... A young girl walks us through her day, starting with a pre-dawn wake-up and storytime with Mom, and a to-school walk with Dad that takes us on a tour of her New York neighborhood. After lunch, Mom picks her up, they go home, have a nap, then go out for a dip at the pool and trip to the library, then back again for dinner, bath and bedtime. Sounds simple, but the richness of detail (both in the text and the marvelous drawings) makes this one a real winner. The young urban family feels familiar and real -- fans of Mo Willems "Knuffle Bunny" will recognize the Brooklyn landscape, and expatriate New Yorkers will yearn for a bite of their bagels. This book perfectly captures the ebb and flow of a preschool-kindergarten student's life, and will ring a bell for many readers, big and small. Recommended! (ReadThatAgain!)

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kadne: 一个小女孩的一天 2012/2/9 12:31:00
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