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Fanny & Annabelle  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Hobbie, Holly
Category: Fiction - Humorous 

ISBN: 9780316166881  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
Holly Hobbie, the bestselling author of the Toot & Puddle series, brings us FANNY & ANNABELLE, a new story about creative Fanny with a do-it-yourself theme. In the second Fannyadventure,Fanny writes her first picture book. Since Annabelle, her doll, was Fanny's first creation, it's fitting she should star in the story. Annabelle's adventure ends up mirroring Fanny's own life as they both manage to give the perfect birthday gift to a loved one. With Hobbie's heartwarming art mixed with Fanny's own delightfully naïve drawings, this sweet talewill inspire fans and new readers alike to get creative.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3—The creative spirit that drove the child to make a doll in Hobbie's Fanny (Little, Brown, 2008) is at work again in this appealing story within a story. When a drizzly day inspires Fanny to make a picture book, she casts her doll as the lead. As Annabelle's story unfolds, Fanny unwittingly finds her own dilemma paralleled in the fiction she is creating. Although the stories have many similar elements, the two narratives are distinct due to the childlike penmanship and art that illustrate Annabelle's tale. This lively narrative generates just enough friction between the easy thing to do (keep found money) and the challenge of doing the right thing (return it) to grab readers' interest. Hobbie's delightful illustrations are suffused with warm pinks and yellows. They continue to capture an almost country charm but retain an urban sophistication because of the setting. The book strikes a balance between the subtle appeal of the message and the clarity required for young audiences. Children and the adults who share this title with them will enjoy it

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
On a wet and dreary Saturday, Fanny decided to make her very own picture book. The main character would be Annabelle, who just happened to be Fanny's favorite doll. And she was going on an adventure. She wasn't sure what kind of an adventure just yet, but there would be one. With that, Fanny begins to tell a story about Annabelle and her Aunt Sally, who coincidentally are very similar to Fanny and her mother. Grace: "I like to draw pictures for stories, and now that I am learning to write words, maybe I can write a book soon." Ella: "I can draw a book and you can help me with the words, right Mommy?" In Fanny's story, Annabelle would like to buy a golden locket for her Aunt's birthday. But she soon realizes that she doesn't have nearly enough money. Now, the story was becoming harder to write. Fanny didn't know how Annabelle would find the $100 necessary to purchase the locket. Then, while Fanny was out for a walk, she finds an envelope with $100 in it. Grace: "Wow, that's a lot of money - she's rich!" Ella: "I wish I had $100 - there's lots of stuff I could buy with it." Problem solved, or is it? Fanny is faced with a moral question which will impact Annabelle's story as well as her own. And, in the end she makes the right choice. I found this book to be very cleverly written - two stories with some very similar parallels all in one book. What a great idea! Both of my daughters could relate to Fanny having a favorite doll, just like they do. But, they were just a little too young for the writing your own picture book part. This is where the excellent illustrations in the book helped my girls understand the story within the story. When I explained to the girls the reason that Fanny needed to give back the money, they both understood. Grace: "If I lost something, I hope somebody would give it back if they found it." I think this book gives children a chance to see how to use some idle time in a constructive way, while showing them that doing the right thing is always the right thing to do. "Fanny & Annabelle" by Hollie Hobbie serves as a wonderful lesson for children and a needed reminder for adults.

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