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Grandmother, Have The Angels Come?  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Vega, Denise / Erin Eitter Kono
Category: Fiction - Family  GrandP 

ISBN: 9780316106634  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 1–2—A grandmother and her granddaughter share a dialogue about aging in which the woman answers the child's questions with reassurances about the physical changes that come with time. Kono's acrylic and pencil folk art evokes a rural Latin American setting and features monarch butterflies, smiling suns, and iconic swirling backgrounds. Vega's Hispanic characters are depicted in traditional dress and she manages to convey an acceptance of a stage in life that many Americans are loathe to embrace. The poetic give-and-take allows readers to think deeply about the topic. The granddaughter's query "have the angels come and darkened your eyes?" is answered with the graceful "Yes…. They have dimmed my vision so I may see more clearly." Vega belabors the point though. By the time grandmother's hair, ears, teeth, back, hands, legs, and feet have been addressed, readers will have aged too, and may miss the lovely last line. Lyrical and warm, this is an additional purchase for large multicultural and intergenerational collections.—Lisa Egly Lehmuller, St. Patrick's Catholic School, Charlotte, NC

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Using lyrical verses and symbolic imagery, author Denise Vega touches on the relationship between a grandmother and granddaughter and explores the mysteries of aging. Over and over the granddaughter asks her grandmother various aging questions, all starting with the lines, "Grandmother, Grandmother, have the angels come?" With amazing wisdom and love, the Grandmother answers the questions in a unique, reassuring way. Some of the five senses are covered in this book: sight, touch, taste, and hearing. This is one of the few children's books I've seen that portrays aging in a positive light. Even as the Aztec-styled sun sets, love, light and beauty reign. Erin Eitter Kono's illustrations in this new book are simply gorgeous, full imagery and swirling colors in radiant oranges, yellow and reds that remind me of Mexico. Brilliant Monarch butterflies are a recurring symbol in the book and flutter over many of the pages. Interestingly enough, every year the Monarch butterfly migrates to the Michoacán forests in Mexico. This migration happens during the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) holiday. For the residents of this area, butterflies serve as a representation of departed loved ones souls. This book would be an appropriate fictional picture book read during the Day of the Dead holiday. The book creatively depicts aging and does hint of death. Even though the title includes the word "angel" this is not a work of Christian fiction. Most children will not understand the deeper messages portrayed in the book without some explanation, so the book is not particularly scary or upsetting. My preschool daughter loved all the butterflies shown in the book as well as pictures of the sun with a face.

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