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I Don't Want A Cool Cat!  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Dodd, Emma
Category: Fiction - Pet  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780316036740  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.99
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:
In this hilarious, heartfelt picture book, one little girl discovers just how difficult it can be to find the perfect pet. Along the way, she meets a zany mix of cats with distinct personalities, but none of them are right for her! After a comical cat chase, she finally finds a special one to call her very own. In this follow-up to I Don't Want a Posh Dog!, Emma Dodd reminds readers that, while there are many different kinds of pets to choose from, everyone of us can find a loveable four-legged friend to share our hearts and hugs with.

With whimsical illustrations and playful rhyming text, I Don't Want a Cool Cat! demonstrates the bond people share with their favorite feline friends--the perfect read-aloud for cat lovers and their little ones.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2 Cats may have a reputation for being finicky, but there's not a feline in this book that's as fussy as the little girl telling the story, a companion to I Don't Want a Posh Dog! (Little, Brown, 2009). In fluid rhyming text she turns down a cool cat, a stuffy cat, a greedy cat, and a prize cat. The cat she wants has one important feature it's a cat she can call her own. Pedigree and distinction cannot measure up to affection, and the one she chooses is just what anyone would want. There is no shortage of charm or humor in this book, exhibited by the artwork. Dodd uses solid colors and heavy outlines to distinguish figures against pastel-colored pages devoid of all background. The illustrations are all on spreads that make full use of the oversize space, even when they hardly take up any of it, as in the case of the slinky, dinky, twinky cat, whose inability to fill a page personifies its inability to meet the girl's desires. Playful and jubilant, this book for cat connoisseurs will work well as a read-a-loud and for emerging readers who like to have fun with sounds and words. Kara Schaff Dean, Walpole Public Library, MA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
We saw this at the bookstore and I would not have (myself) gone out of my way to purchase this book although I may have gotten it from the library. Yet my daugheter went to it immediately and we read it over and over again (she is three and 1/2). She loves this book, so we went ahead and got it- the pictures are super cute, it has good repetation (in a good way-kids love that! and it will be good for early reading beacuse of this) and the rhymes are great. I am glad we got it because she likes it so much and it is fun to read out loud. I think since she wants a cat it also helps fuel her immagination for the cat she will one day get, a nice distraction until the moment comes!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Emma was brought up near London, England. He parents were both designers and from as far back as she can remember she wanted to be an illustrator. Emma studied Graphic Design and Illustration at Central Saint Martin's School of Art, London, and has worked in advertising, editorial and book illustration. She was nominated for the Booktrust Early Years Award in 2006 for her book "What Pet to Get" and in 2009 for "Miaow said the Cow" Emma lives with her husband and two children and their Jack Russel Terrier, Bart, who keeps her fit and provides inspiration.

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