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Betty Doll
Author:   Polacco, Patricia
Category: Fiction - Family  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780142401965  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Young Mary Ellen is heartbroken when her family's farmhouse burns to the ground, taking all five of her dolls with it. So when her mother announces that they are going to make her a new doll, she is overjoyed. But little does she know that Betty Doll will travel with her as her closest confidant through her whole life, watching as first Mary Ellen grows up, then her children, and her grandchildren. Along the way, Betty is privy to family events big and small: a devastating blizzard, tea parties, weddings, floods, illness, births, deaths, and war. When a much older Mary Ellen discovers she has cancer, she writes a letter to her grown daughter, Tricia, telling her the story of Betty Doll, and passing on her own abiding love for Tricia.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Prepare to shed a few tears and be uplifted by this touching story of family love. Patricia Polacco bases her reminiscence on a letter her mother, Mary Ellen, wrote shortly before her death and a cloth hand sewn doll, Betty Doll. When Mary Ellen was a child of six, her farmhouse home was destroyed by fire. The blaze also took her five dolls. Seeing how forlorn the little girl was, her mother suggested they make a new doll, which they did. Mary Ellen stitched the doll together, and embroidered its face. Soon, Mary Ellen and Betty Doll were inseparable. They snuggled in bed together during Michigan thunderstorms, attended school, and had imaginative tea parties. The pair even visited relatives in Chicago, where both were clothed in pale blue crepe de chine. As time went on Betty Doll watched Marry Ellen become an adult, eventually marry, and have children of her own. Daughter Trisha (Patricia Polacco) played with the doll herself. As Mary Ellen's grandchildren arrived, Betty Doll "kissed away tears, soothed hurt knees, and was a guest at hundreds of tea parties and slumber nights." Illustrated in muted grays with Betty Doll the only bright spot on a page, this story is a reminder of the enduring bonds woven of memories and love.

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