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Kinghts Of The Kitchen Table (The Time Warp Trio, Bk. 1)
Author:   Scieszka, Jon / Lane Smith
Series: Time Warp Trio 
Category: Fiction - Fantasy 

ISBN: 9780140346039  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 64 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Time Warp Trio

Overview / 简介:
Everyone’s favorite time-travelers are changing their styles! The Time Warp Trio series now features a brand-new, eye-catching design, sure to appeal to longtime fans, and those new to Jon Scieszka’s wacky brand of humor.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 3-5-- A book from his magician uncle transports Joe and his friends, Fred and Sam, back in time to swashbuckling adventures fraught with dangers at every turn. In the first story, quick thinking and daring-do save them from a fire-breathing dragon and a foul-smelling giant; in the second, an encounter with the dreaded Blackbeard almost causes their demise. Tongue-in-cheek humor, laced with understatement and word play, makes for laugh-out-loud reading, as verbal insults are hurled, and the boys outwit their foes. Villains and heroes clash, as do modern and archaic language and dress, causing misunderstandings and mayhem. Short, easy-to-read sentences and lots of zany dialogue perfectly suit the breathless pace. Smith brings new dimension to black-and-white drawings, as looming villains tower over the trio, brandishing swords or lances, and the boys escape their captors. A true melding of word and pictures, and jolly good fun. --Trev Jones, School Library Journal

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I am a third grade teacher, and every September I start off the new school year with The Knights of the Kitchen Table. I use the Time Warp Trio to ease my students into sitting quietly, while listening to a story for pleasure. After each chapter the children beg me to read another! Regardless of the academic abilities of my students, every one of them seems to truly enjoy this series. Although it is certainly not worthy of a Newbery Medal, I feel it is a fantastic easier chapter book that serves as a springboard to reading. In fact, The Time Warp Trio books are rarely sitting on the shelves of our school library. They are always in a child's hands. To me that makes it worthy of 5 stars.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Biography [DRUM ROLL.....] PRESENTING THE ONE AND ONLY JON SCIESZKA! Jon Scieszka was born in Flint, Michigan on September 8th, 1954. He grew up with five brothers, has the same birthday as Peter Sellers and the Virgin Mary, and a sneaking suspicion that the characters in his Dick and Jane reader were not of this world. Those plain facts, plus his elementary school principal dad, Louis, his registered nurse mom, Shirley (who once took Jon's Cub Scout den on a field trip to the prenatal ward), Mad Magazine, four years of pre-med undergrad, "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show", an M.F.A. in Fiction from Columbia University, Robert Benchley, five years of painting apartments in New York City, his lovely wife Jeri Hansen who introduced him to Molly Leach and Lane Smith, Green Eggs and Ham, his teenage daughter Casey and almost teenage son Jake, ten years of teaching a little bit of everything from first grade to eighth grade, and the last twenty years of living in Brooklyn...are just some of Jon's answers to the questions, "Where do you get your ideas?" and/or "How did you become a writer?" I don't know, just because, none of your beeswax, and flapdoodle poppycock and balderdash are some more of

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